The other night,

I thought I had food poisoning, but, looking back on it, with Carol's help, I think I passed a gall stone. With the help of Google, and hindsight, I'm pretty sure that my 8 hour ordeal, when I talked w/God, and was making a deal to just go ahead and die, if it could only end, was the passing of a gallstone. Will probably never be totally sure, but the pain and suffering finally ended, which is the good news. The bad news? It may happen again, and my prayers may be answered, SO, in case they are, adios, my friends...


Anonymous said…
Wow, glad you're okay!!!! Didn't you have something like this a year or two ago?
ladyj said…
As I recall, Famguy did pass a stone..a Family stone ha ha...couldn't resist..I'm so Sly! Wonder if he made another pact with the good Lord, then, as well? Remember, Boy Wonder, we are never tested beyond what we can endure. Maybe you need to read the Book of Job...
Fam Guy said…
Yeah, I had something similar. Not as intense, but longer lasting. Actually lined up the surgeon, anethsetist and op room (really expensive), but symptoms (or gallstone) passed. Found out you can save a bunch of money by shopping, bargaining and paying cash.
Anonymous said…
Dude, are you going for the writers Emmy for drama?
ladyj said…
Actually Anon. he is DRAMA!
Famguy said…
I want to thank anon for the nomination in the drama category. Any and all awards are appreciated and well deserved. I will try to live up to the hype. Thank you, again.
ladyj said…
In all truth... you are hype.
Anonymous said…
I like the picture of how gallstones are formed! Educational info for all of us who are not in a medical field!
You are right about the shopping around for medical treatments and paying cash.
I hear Lgmt is cheaper than Bldr, Lafayette etc.
Famguy said…
Hadn't considered Longmont, but will. Thanx
Anonymous said…
In fact a friend of ours had a hernia done earlier this year, I could find out the doctor's name. I believe gallbladder's are removed by a General Surgeon!

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