I can't believe she allowed it shown,

but as part of her 'Alaska' show, Sarah Palin shot a nearly tame, yearling reindeer, (also known as a caribou). In a video that's available on Politico.com, she is shown missing the animal FOUR times, from a stable, supported rest, with a scoped, high power rifle, as he gradually walks toward her, curious about all the commotion. On her 5th shot, Annie Oakley drops the naive, inquisistive, spike bull. She should be SO proud.


Anonymous said…
You really don't like her do you?
Fam Guy said…
I wouldn't wanna be in the area when she was carrying a loaded firearm. Although, if she was shooting at me, I'd probably be pretty safe.
ladyj said…
If she put on a pair of antlers and walked towards me, I'd absolutely shoot her! Shooting a young caribou, how cruel is that? And just for shits and giggles, to boot.
Anonymous said…
Did you read the Gosselin clan were guests of Sarah Palin's Alaska series. There was a camping trip into the wilderness, which was enjoyed by all the children of Kate and Sarah, but dear Kate loses it, stating, "This is not ideal conditions." "I am freezing to to the bone, I have 19 layers on, my hands are frigid. I held it together as long as I could and I'm done now!"
She gathers up her children and, mere hours after arrival, they have eaten and run.
Good sport, she's not! Of course, it's damn cold in Alaska and Pennsylvania, where Kate and the kids live, as well.

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