I got another E-mail 'joke',

that explains the difference between Libs and Cons by telling how they treat terrorists, as in, the Libs read 'em their rights etc, and the Cons just blow 'em away. Ha ha ha. They seem to be in a constant state of hypocritical denial. They claim to be the 'defense' experts, but forget they were warned about Bin Laden, and still let him enjoy the biggest massacre ever on US soil, then ran our military into the ground on an 'oops, bad info' war. They claim to be fiscally conservative, but just look at what they did with the surplus they inherited from 8 years of a Democratic administration.. They say they are against deficit spending, but threaten to shut down the gov't unless the top 1% get hundreds of billions in (borrowed money) tax breaks. They claim to be all for the Constitution, but gladly overlook separation of church and state, as long as 'their God' is in charge. They are against Socialism, and fought tooth and nail against Social Security and Medicare, but are first in line for the benefits. They claim to be the 'serious, rational' party, then nominate Sarah Palin for VP. They claim to have all the answers, even as our country struggles to survive after 8 years of W's 'reign of error'. They think they are the educated, intelligent ones, but the top 10 income/education states are all blue, while they hold down the all spots in the the bottom ten. They get their news from the 'Fair and Balanced' station that is the biggest propaganda force on earth. Hypocritical denial. That is their world, and it pisses me off each time I read one of their stupid E-mails that shows how they just don't have a clue.


Anonymous said…
Whatsamatter? Get up on the wrong side of the bed today?
Fam Guy said…
Nope, just tired of the people that caused most of our problems trying to blame someone else. Pretty obvious when you look at the facts.
Anonymous said…
Facts? what facts?
Fam Guy said…
Facts? How 'bout,
1-Huge surplus in 2000 turned into huge deficit 2008.
2.WAR, based on WMD's, that weren't there.
3.Oil, bumped up about 1500%, with 2 big oil guys in charge, and a bogus war.
4. Financial rules changed, that killed us all, 'cept the big boys that caused the problems. Bailed out by checks from the Bush gov't.
5. Bottom line- Look at the world Bush inherited and the one he left us.
Anonymous said…
Here's the real facts:

1. "Huge" surplus in 2000 was a result of Republican (actual conservative) budgets in the 1990s.

2. WAR, based on WMDs, which were there, just no nukes...you are just overlooking the "facts." This was a war authorized by Congress. They should have said no.

3. Bush/Cheney had little to nothing to do with oil prices, but believe what you want. Oil was about $30 in 2000. A 1,500 percent increase would mean $450 oil. Oops.

4. New oversite of finicial agencies were turned down by the DEMOCRATS in 2001-2006. The CRA was put on steriods by Clinton, which lead to much of the housing bubble. Those Bush-era bailouts have mostly been paid back...The republicans were at fault here of backing down, since they had the majority until 2006.

bottom line, Bush wasn't all that great, but most of the shit that happened wasn't really his fault.

And your confusing conservatives with Rebuplicans. If the Repubs during the last 10 years had stuck to conservative principals, we'd be in much better shape today.
Fam Guy said…
OK, oil went up ONLY about 1000%, not 1500%, from about $14 to over $140, with the big oil boys in the White House. Other than that, entire post is 'facts'.
Fam Guy said…
Typical BS by the Bush lovers who look at the mess he left, after 8 years in power, and whine, 'Not his fault, it was that Dem on the subcommittee that caused all the problems', sickening, but So typical of the ilk...
ladyj said…
Unless & until the system and mindset is changed in Washington and the voters nothing will change. That's a fact. Conservative versus Liberal; Republican versus Democrat. It's a stalemate. Been that way for years and getting worse. Who has the bigger rock? Whose daddy is stronger than the other?
In order for this government to continue running smoothly, change must occur, quickly. Boys must become men, name calling must stop, and numero uno, these idiots in DC must recall that they are working for us not themselves!
Jim said…
Oil prices didn't go up until the dems took over congress in 2007. Presidents don't create or write the bills. They have an agenda they want congress to follow and they sign the bills so bush is at fault for signing them as ovomit is now. As Anonymous said Reps helped make clinton yrs go good. Dems wrote the bills that made bush yrs go bad. FamGuy sees the country going broke but closes his eyes as to why and blames bush. sic and sad.
Fam Guy said…
Again, Jim shows his total lack of knowledge. Check out the Bush years on this chart of oil prices.
What color is the sky in your world, numbnuts?
Anonymous said…
Jim proves the fact that you don't need a functioning brain to harass blog writers. According to him 8 good Clinton yrs were because of Republicans and the 8 bad yrs of Bush were the fault of Democrats. Typical crap from them.

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