In typical Repub fashion,

Sen. John Bonehead said, 'The people have spoken, and they want the tax cuts extended for ALL Americans.' WRONG! Every poll out there shows that over 70% of the people don't want them extended for those earning over $250,000. We're talking about returning to pre-Bush levels, which would be an additional 4%. Doesn't matter for (R) John Bonehead and pals. Make it up as you go, the FOXNews crowd will support whatever you say....


Steve said…
Please provide a reference for "every poll out there shows that over 70% of the people don't want them them extended for those earning over $250,000."

Steve said…
Well, since you don't have any references, I'll give you some.

CNN poll (Anderson Cooper): 35 percent favor extending tax cuts for those making more than $250,000

CBS: 57 percent

UPI: 44 percent

Gallup: 59 percent. Another Gallup poll in September was a little over 6o percent

USA today: 57 percent

Even the Democratic Underground site only comes up with 64 percent.

I'm still looking for your "every poll shows that over 70%" statement.

So, where did you get your "facts?"
Fam Guy said…
The two polls I read, on Weds, (CNN and MSNBC) showed 26% and 28% favored extending the tax cuts for earners over 250K. That means over 70% aren't for it. The polls you site are for extending the tax cut for ALL, I'm referring to the Dem plan of raising the rate, marginally, on the top. Big difference.
ladyj said…
See..there's my point. When he wants to play big ass shot, he's STEVE amd when he just make a statement, he's Anon. Probably wearing his brass today too.

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