It's gonna hit the fan, soon,

as the mess that Bush caused, after inheriting a surplus, becomes a shitstorm. Just like a family can't go on forever, spending more than they make, it's the same w/the gov't. Gotta cut from something, and the Repubs have dug in, with their ultimate goal to take down Obama, and the American economy as acceptable collateral damage. They wrecked it, and they are willing to make it worse, in order to get back in charge. Sickening, but VERY real. Just look at the facts...


ladyj said…
With so many retirees from Congress and Presidential living still receiving monies from the government till, plus all the perks, seems to me they are cutting from the wrong group. also let's look at all the government entitlements put into place that really have not worked from the get-go, but are still getting money from the govt. trough. Freezing Civil Service jobs is not the answer in my estimation. There are so many others in the loop. Let's take some of these perks away from our Congress and see how they can survive.
Anonymous said…
Facts? Facts? LOL. You wouldn't know a fact if it hit you in the face.
Fam Guy said…
Thanks again, Texas Steve, for putting in your 2 cents worth. Hopefully your ilk can find another Texan moron to support. Just kidding, our country could never survive another one. Not sure we're gonna survive the last one.
ladyj said…
Why does Steve use Anonymous when he's being Republican/Conservative and other times he uses his real name? Does he consider us to be simpletons? That boy is dumber than a box of rocks!
Fam Guy said…
Here's some facts for you. Bush inherited a surplus and turned it into the biggest debt ever, writing over $800 Billion in checks to keep the gov't from imploding before he slithered out of town, and leaving massive unemployment and a wrecked housing market. Oh yeah, and he started a war based on LIES. How's that for some facts, wiseass?
Fam Guy said…
There's a reason that jerk left office with a 22% approval rating. Some people just have a real short, distorted memory.
ladyj said…
folks will be putting anothr Conservative Republican in office in 2012 because of that short memory syndome. They've been brainwashed into believing the Liberal Democarats are the cause of all the problems that are plaguing America and the world, from the war, to recession, to lack to employment. This is the way it's been politically from the beginning. People are easily swayed and extremely forgetful.

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