Obama just doesn't get it

At a time when he should be fighting the Repubs over the tax cuts, he sneaks out of town to support the war in Afghanistan, that he promised would start ending in 2011, but he pushed it out to 2014. I used to like the guy, and compared to the Repubs, he's FANTASTIC, but compared to what he promised? He sucks. Typical politician who is totally out of touch with the people and their problems. C'mon Barack, you're s'posed to be smarter than THEM, but you are a HUGE disappointment. Who are you trying to appeal to?


ladyj said…
who do you think, grasshopper? Are you that dense?
Fam Guy said…
I guess I am, cuz I don't get it.
Jim said…
He left town because like everything else he has done he has shown he is inexperianced. His inexperiance was questioned during his campaign and it continues to show throughout his term.

Fighting the Repubs on the tax cuts, how absurd. The cuts were originally written to be permanet. The dems wouldn't agree to it so they put them to expire in 2010 and now look at the mess. The dems don't want to discuss them showing that the Repubs were right about them.

Why on earth do you or any one else thing that the government deserves or needs more than 10% of anyones money. Because you make more you should get penalized? Sic.

Money in the hands of the private sector is what makes this country run, produce and keeps people employeed. Money in the hands of government and all it gets is wasted.

Social Security. They took my moeny I and my employers have given and its gone...dumped into the general fund and wasted. Now they want to raise the tax which means taking more money from business which means more business may layoff workers, go out of business or just not hire another worker.

It is double taxing us. They taxed us once, they spent the money now they weant to tax us again as a way to put the maoney back. SIC.

The dems want to extend the unemployment benifits...great...but they have no plan on how to pay for it...terrible. This country is giving billions to other countries in forien aid...Why...if we are broke we have to moeny to give out to other countries...we need it for our own.

The Fed is printing money like there is no tomorrow and giving it to banks and forgien banks. WHY! It has to be backed up with tax payer money.

obama wasnt about change but turns out to me more of the same but on a much granduer scale. Non stop parties/concerts, date nights, vacations and trips to other countries when he should be here taking care of business.
Had to take care of business when you have no experience though.

You don't get it because you never did get it.
Fam Guy said…
Like FOXNews, Jim mixes in enough facts to seem plausible, but then jumps to implausible conclusions. Sure, the gov't wastes money. Always has, always will, BUT the Repubs are much worse than the Dems. Just look at charts of deficits/surpluses vs. the prez's. He totally ignores the main problem Obama has. The wrecked economy Bush left behind, and acts like if the new prez had taken less vacations (Bush took MUCH more time off) he could simply fix it. He also ignores the fact the Repubs want to extend tax cuts for millionaires that have to be paid for by borrowing money. Yeah, the Fed is printing money they don't have, but they HAVE to do something, I'm not sure what, to keep our economy from totally crashing, after the mess Bush left. What I don't get, is how people like Jim can turn a blind eye toward what caused the mess, and blame the people who are trying to fix it.
ladyj said…
Seems like he's like the other big O out of Illinois, likes to give away stuff on other people's dime. The other big O talks a big talk, too. Creates a big splash, but in the end, seems there's not much substance to the facade. Has a bunch of hangers-on with no real purpose, but to be fed from the trough of the Big O. Cash in on the ride, I'm afraid this O in DC is on a big downward slide.
Jim said…
Your comment of "Sure, the gov't wastes money. Always has, always will," Hmm didnt obama run a campaign based on change. Things aren't going to be done the same in Washinton any more. Hows that change working for u?
Fam Guy said…
Lotta changes w/this prez. Hasn't started any wars, based on lies, hasn't jacked up price of oil, hasn't made economy MUCH worse than he found it. Not a miracle worker, but still much better than we had.
Jim said…
"He also ignores the fact the Repubs want to extend tax cuts for millionaires that have to be paid for by borrowing money." I don't ignore it I applaud it. Why do u feel the government has any right to any more than 10% of any one's money? If we don't raise taxes on the rich why does the government have to borrow money. Oh thats right the dems have a spend and tax program. Spend money run us further into debt then expect taxpayers to pay for their bigger government wasteful ways. I say get rid of income taxes and have a sales tax.

When taxes are raised on the rich they actually pay less taxes. Lower the taxes and they pay more.

Put money in the hands of the people and the economy grows, take it away from them (taxes) and the economy suffers. The cash for clunkers is a perfect example. So let the rich keep their money and they will spend it and create jobs with it.
Jim said…
The economy isnt't much worse???
The unemployment is at 9.8% and been there most of his 2 yrs in office so he has done nothing to lower it. He wants to raise taxes on us all during a recession. The national debt is approaching 14 trillion. He does nothing but lie to us. Stimulus will keep unemployment below 8%, obamacare will be good for us yet he is giving waviers to many companies that want to opt out do to the cost and harm it will do to them.
Fam Guy said…
Not gonna waste any more time or space with someone who can't tell the difference between who caused the problems and someone who isn't able to wave a magic wand and fix them.
ladyj said…
How can you create jobs out of thin air, Jim? All the jobs went overseas with NAFTA. Didn't you hear that giant sucking sound, or were you in spelling class that day, Jim? Corporations don't do business in America anymore because of unions, taxes, and too many laws governing employees rights. I'm not saying that's wrong, I'm saying that is why companies move their businesses overseas to get away from US laws and to get cheaper labor. Cut costs. They don't give a Rotterdam about what it does to our economy, just as it doesn't touch their bottom dollar. That's the way you do it now days. Just as long as the business makes a profit, who cares about the employees or what it costs America.

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