Mitt said the same thing

that many Pubs think and say. They claim that if you're not a Romney supporter you're part of the 'Gimme free stuff', non tax-paying, low rent crowd. HA! Just look at the demographics of those who pay the most taxes and those who get the largesse from those taxpayers. ALL the gov't stats show a tax/$ flow from the blue states to the red states. Doesn't take a genius to notice a 'bit of a flaw' in the Pubs argument. The 47% that will 'never vote for Mitt' aren't the welfare cheats, it's those who can look at the last 20 years of Clinton/Bush/Obama and see a real pattern. Dems = prosperity and fiscal responsibility, and Pubs=reckless spending and wars. Anyone who can look at the disaster of the Bush/Repub 8 year 'reign of error' (after inheriting a surplus from Clinton) and say, 'Yup gimme more of that', are conveniently forgetting what it was like when Bush handed over the 'flaming, sinking ship of state' to Obama. Gimme a break...


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