FOXNews is unique

in the fact that it PAID, to be included in programming packages, unlike other 'real' news organizations that GET PAID to be in the news mix. As Wikipedia reports:

To accelerate its adoption by cable companies, Fox News paid systems up to $11 per subscriber to distribute the channel.[17], paying out over $100 million. This contrasted with the normal practice, in which cable operators paid stations carriage fees for programming.

Was part of the Murdoch/Ailes strategy, to buy an audience for their right-wing slanted Repub propaganda. Sleazy, but effective, as they mix glitzy, professional looking production, with some real news, all packaged around their political message, which can be summarized in four words. 'Dems Bad, Repubs Good', and it is drilled home 24/7. The sheep love it.....


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