Remember those 'poll' things,

that the Pubs don't believe in, BUT, accurately say what the public actually thinks? (Think FOX guaranteed Prez Romney). Well, the consensus says that most blame both parties for the financial, economic 'cliff' mess, but when forced to choose ONE party, it's more than 4-1 the fault of the Pubs. Obvious, to anyone who pays attention. So, I'm saying, 'Just Do It', go over the cliff. Address massive military waste , where the Pubs LOVE to throw money into black holes. Then move on to Medicare fraud, the 'oil depletion allowance', and subsidies for ethanol, that takes more energy to produce than it creates, while wasting precious water and driving up the price of food. Gotta start somewhere, sometime. Don't cave now, Dems, and let the Pub clowns take the politcal heat they deserve.


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