One of the HUGE differences

between Dems and Pubs has to do with science vs myth., and this was brought to the forefront when Marco Rubio tried to have it both ways, before admitting the earth is at least 4.5 billion years old, this week.
Why the hedge? Because he is in a party of creationists. According to a June Gallup report, most Republicans (58 percent) believed that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years. Most Democrats and independents did not agree. No wonder a 2009 Pew Research Center report found that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and 9 percent identified as conservative. Not the only dif between Dems and Pubs, the anti-intellectual party, but one of the BIG ones, where there are some educated Pubs, just not a large percentage, compared to Dems. Last month, Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, the chairman of the Republican Governors Association, said on CNN: “We need to stop being the dumb party. We need to offer smart, conservative, intelligent ideas and policies.” Good luck..... 


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