Showing posts from October, 2020
Dotard’s LIES just keep getting worse, claiming the COVID19 numbers are artificially high cuz Drs get ‘an additional $2000’ for saying someone died of the Coronavirus. A total LIE! But only SOME of us care about his constant LIES.....
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Trump's claims about profiteering doctors sparked a backlash beyond the campaign trail. Susan Bailey, the president of the American Medical Association, said in a statement that the claim that doctors are overcounting Covid-19 patients or "lying to line their pockets is a malicious, outrageous, and completely misguided charge."
Yup, like MOST Americans, ‘I resemble that remark’.
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For many millions of Americans, the presidency of Donald Trump has been a kind of transgression, an endless assault on dignity, decency and decorum. They experience everything — the casual insults, the vulgar tweets, the open racism, the lying, the tacit support for dangerous extremists and admiration of foreign strongmen — as an attack on the fabric of American society itself.
Wow, just when you think the a**hole can’t possible get worse, he always does, today making fun of FOXLies’ Laura Ingrahm for
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Dotard’s LIES are getting even WEIRDER.....
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Did you hear him tell about the masks in California that you must wear ALL THE TIME, even when you’re eating! No shit, that’s his latest rant. In CA you must wear a mask while you EAT. The douchebag is insane..... true. “In California, you have a special mask. You cannot under any circumstances take it off. You have to eat through the mask,” Trump said.
Guess who? Can’t wait to smash it (Smashing Pumpkin(s), maybe on Nov 4, to celebrate.
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This is the look we’re going for, with our Jackass-O-Lantern
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Whether on a sporting event, or a presidential election, oddsmakers do a pretty good job. Their job is to make the betting 50-50, so they can make money of the ‘vig’, the 10% penalty the losers pay.
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In the UK and US, Dotard is a YUUUUGE underdog. In the presidential race, those taking their chances on President Trump are getting much better odds. A £10 bet on the incumbent will return a profit of £18.80 if he wins, versus £5.26 on challenger Joe Biden — essentially giving Trump a 34.8% chance of winning. Still, those are better odds for the president than some US forecasters are giving him. As of Friday morning, the political prediction site had Biden with an 89% chance of winning the vote. We can only HOPE.....
Lots of maps and predictions out there, but this one is so simple even a FOXSheep can understand. Maybe...
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Those who track Trump’s lies agree that they’re not only growing in number (well over 25,000) but in scope.
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This paragraph puts it in a nutshell. Indeed, current Republican strategy is almost entirely based on trying to scare voters about bad things that aren’t happening — like a vast wave of anarchist violence sweeping America’s cities — while not noticing bad things that really are happening, like the pandemic and climate change.
Dotard’s BRAGGING about a yuuuge GDP gain,
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BUT, it’s based on the yuuuge HOLE the economy was in, because of his ncomptenence. Big deal, we were in a trench, and now we are starting dig out, and the Liar in Chief is claiming it as a WIN, when we aren’t even close to where we were. And the gullible, ignorant sheep swallow the ‘fake news’, of a great economy that is ‘sorta’ rebounding from the hole he put us in. Screw him and the gullible ignorant sheep he rode in on.
Four years ago, before he was officially the Liar in Chief, the Big Bullshitter was promising us a LOT.
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There was the Big Beautiful Wall, that Mexico was gonna pay for. There was his YUUUGE Infrastructure Program (something that EVERYONE could agree on). And his signature plan, to Repeal and Replace Obamacare! Well, the douchebag has worked hard to Repeal, but Replace is always Two Weeks Away. Since 2016. And, the jerk(R) was gonna Help the US Farmers. Well, they do get yuuuge checks for doing NOTHING, since Dotard wrecked US trade programs with his dumbass Tariffs, that he ‘doesn’t have a clue’ who PAYS for. He promised to: ‘Eliminate the National Debt’, AND “Balance the Federal Budget’. HA! Release his tax returns, ‘after the audit’. SUE, the many women accusing him of sexual misconduct. Grow the economy by (at least) four per cent per year. AND, not golf as much as Obama. BUT, we got several things he DIDN’T promise us. Like alienating nearly ALL of former allies, while kissing the asses of the world’s worst dictators. BONUS! Well, you gullible, ignorant rightwingnuts, how’s Your...
Interesting clip of Dotard saying, ‘COVID, COVID, COVID, COVID’.
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File it under “duh, ya think so’, OR ‘Just another LIE;,
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In an event that typified Dotard’s incompetence,
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hundreds of the president’s supporters were left stranded for hours outside in the cold after his rally in Omaha, Neb. About 30 people were treated for a variety of medical reasons, the Omaha Police Department said . At least seven were taken to the hospital. “Hundreds of people, including older Americans and children, were stranded in subzero, freezing temperatures for hours.” Ask me if I feel sorry for the idiots(R)....
Just when you think his LIES can’t get any more outrageous, the Liar in Chief comes up with crap like this.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — The suburbs wouldn't be the suburbs anymore, the economy would sink into its worst depression ever and police departments would cease to exist. Even America's older adults would be left to figure out how to get by without heat, air conditioning or electricity. This is the apocalyptic version of American life that President Donald Trump argues would be the dire consequence of turning over the White House to Democrat Joe Biden. And he’ll take your guns. Who swallows this crap? Even the gullible, ignorant sheep can’t be THAT stupid. Or can they? “It's pure fear and fear based on a particular kind of ignorance that only works if your hearers have that particular kind of ignorance.” In other words, FOXNews sheep.
Yesterday, Bruce Springsteen put into words what so many of us are thinking, about Dotard.
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I wish I’d have written this article, cuz it NAILS the truth.
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It’s always assumed that those of us who felt certain of Hillary Clinton’s victory in 2016 were putting too much trust in polls. I was putting too much trust in Americans. I’d seen us err. I’d watched us stray. Still I didn’t think that enough of us would indulge a would-be leader as proudly hateful, patently fraudulent and flamboyantly dishonest as Donald Trump. We had episodes of ugliness, but this? No way. We were better than Trump. Except, it turned out, we weren’t. And it was a populace I didn’t recognize, or at least didn’t want to. What has Trump’s presidency taken from us? I’m reasonably sure that many Americans feel the same loss that I do, and I’m struggling to assign just one word to it. Innocence? Optimism? Faith? Go to the place on the Venn diagram where those states of mind overlap. That’s the piece of me now missing when I look at this beloved country of mine. In him, his people forgave florid cruelty, overt racism, rampant corruption , exultant indecency, th...
Ok, I gotta admit, I owe someone an apology. I’ve been callin the Trump crowd ‘morons’, and I’m sorry,
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File it under ‘DUH, only the morons(R) would swallow the crap.’
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I’d love to be there, as a rightwingnut explains to a Louisiana resident that Climate Change is a S=Chinese Hoax.
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Breaking News: Hurricane Zeta made landfall in Louisiana, slamming the coast with 110 m.p.h. winds. It is the fifth named storm to strike the state this year. And this comes as Dotard and his minions claims he ‘won the war’ against COVID19’ WTF is wrong with the morons who swallow his crap? Oh yeah, they’re FOX/Bible Belt morons who don’t care about reality. That is the the new Repub slogan. “We don’t care about reality, we’re Republicans!’ Screw Dotard and the gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on.
What is wily old McTurtleface up to?
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He could have easily gone along with Dotard and the Dems, putting out a $2.2 Trillion Stimulus Package that would have REALLY helped the Liar in Chief, right before the election by pumping up the stock market, where it was totally expected, AND buying the votes of those who really NEED the money. BUT, the nasty old fart decided NOT to. Hmmm, I wonder why?
Wow, the things you learn, listening to the Trumpies.
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Did you know the COVID19 pandemic is over? And trump BEAT IT? This is the shit that Dotard is shoveling to the sheep. White House Declares Pandemic Over As It Cites Renowned Scientist Ivanka Trump The lie came in a news release on a new 62-page report from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy listing what it claims are the scientific and technological accomplishments during President Donald Trump ’s first term. The list includes, “ENDING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC.“ Wow, I feel SO much better and safer now! White House OSTP releases "Science and Technology Accomplishments from First Term", includes "ENDING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC" as accomplishment. (guess they dunno what accomplish means?) https:// oads/2020/10/Trump-Administration-ST-Highlights-2017-2020.pdf …
If there’s one thing Trump is famous for, it’s NOT PAYING HIS DEBTS. He’s used his Army of Lawyers to
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Default on his loans and obligations to debtors, lenders, suppliers and workers, declaring bankruptcy six times. PLUS, he’s had over FOUR THOUSAND lawsuits filed against him. Sounds like presidential material, right? ONLY if you’re a dumbass, head up your ass Repub, of which there are MANY! According to a remarkably exhaustive study by USA Today , Trump and his business have been involved in more than 4,000(!) lawsuits over the past three decades -- a stunning number that serves as a testament to how the President, even before he was president, used the legal system to fight back when times were hard for him. "Does anyone know more about litigation than Trump?" Trump said of himself on the campaign trail in 2016. "I'm like a Ph.D. in litigation."
Rabid Rudy is pissed at FOX cuz they won’t run with the bullshit story about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
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You know, the laptop ‘found’ by a blind computer repair guy, with the ‘hard drive form Hell’, according to the Washington Post, which is Dotard’s favorite newspaper? Yup, WAPO ran the story, but NO ONE would put their name on the by-line, cuz it was so bogus that no legitimate reported would claim it. Not even at WAPO(R). Now Rudy’s pissed, cuz a reporter at FOX compared Rudy’s work on the bogus laptop to Christopher Steele. Rudy jumped up, screamed at the reporter who pointed out that NO ONE would put their name the story, and Rudy, following his master’s lead on 60 Minutes, stormed out of the interview. At FOX. Rudy Giuliani. Remember when the clown wasn’t a world wide laughing stock? Yup, hard to remember.....
Nearly everyone who is familiar with this election will agree that winning Pennsylvania Is crucial to winning the presidency.
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But, PA is a strange state to predict and harder to win, cuz basically you have Pittsburg on one side, Philadelphia on the other and Alabama in between. Biden can appeal to, and win the educated city vote, but when you get out into yokel country, Dotard ha a huge advantage. It’s microcosm of the country. Educated, urban and suburban voters vs the Un/Under-educated Bible thumpers who LOVE his farm subsidies after he screwed up the US agriculture and trade policies. How does Biden reach voters when all they listen to are FOXNews and their hell and brimstone preachers who tell them that Biden is gonna take their guns, cancel Christmas and send Mexican rapists Into their villages? The only answer is voter turnout, and Like everywhere the Dems are trying to turn out the vote while the Pubs are doing all they can to obstruct it That alone should tell you all you need to know, as the rural bumpkins think the Orange Conman from NYC, with his Russian backing really has their interests at h...
There’s a bunch of Trump supporters ‘out there’ who have supported him just cuz he’s got (R) after his name, but ae privately disgusted with him and ashamed of themselves for backing such a loudmouthed, egotistical blowhard.
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They’ll hardly admit this to themselves, let alone a pollster, SOO, the only time they can confront this dichotomy is with their vote, and I think a LOT of them will choose to assuage their consciences, (if Repubs HAVE consciences), and allege their guilt with a vote against Russian backed, LYING, egotistical conman. They may not vote for Biden, but it will Make them feel better to NOT vote for Dotard.. These are public Trump fans who, in private, acknowledge that his tweets are humiliating, his crowing about his victories is tasteless, his policy flip-flops are dispiriting and some of his statements are hurtful and damaging. They won’t say they’re tired of him to a pollster. It can be as embarrassing to admit you liked Mr. Trump and now fear him as it was to admit you were attracted to him in the first place. Mr. Trump’s critics portray his supporters as fools, and to say you only now realized he has problems seems to concede the point.
I’ve had SO many people, (esp when we were overseas) ask, ‘how the hell did America fall to Trump’s BS?’
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And I always answer truthfully. FOXNews and the Bible Belt, with a huge overlap. It’s that simple. Whenever you get a percentage of the people who give up on logic and reason, deciding to swallow dogma, instead, you can get a conman like Donald F’ing Trump as prez.. Seems impossible, but obviously it’s not. Just remember, half the population is ‘under average’ intelligence, and it all makes sense. No big leap from believing Noah’s Ark to swallowing Dotard’s LIES, and that’s what the Pubs have banked on. And it worked....
Just one simple observation, that even the sheep should be able to understand.
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Just want to remind everyone to watch The Daily Show, with Trevor Noah.
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They’re doing Dotard’s 100 Worst Scandals, although I have no idea how they’d limit it to just 100. They did an ‘in depth’ on Scandal Number 51, one of my favorites. Remember when Dotard said the Hurricane was gonna hit Alabama, when it wasn’t? And then the asshole took a Sharpie and altered the NWS map, to show his black drawn half circle extending to hit a corner of AL? Yup, that time... And then the NWS Climatologists said, NO, it wont hit Alabama. And then Dotard threatened to FIRE several people at the NWS. Remember, how he made such an ASS out of himself? Nothing new, right? And to think their are morons(R) who swallow the crap from the LYING jerk(R). Unbelievable, like Dotard.
Just heard part of Dotard’s speech to the old farts at The Villages.
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It’s gonna arrive at the same time as his Health Care Plan, his Infrastructure Bill and his Tax Returns. HA!
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With just one week remaining (wow, it’s taken FOREVER) In the 2020 election, things are ‘looking up’ for the good guys.
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Heading into the final week of the 2020 presidential campaign, former Vice President Joe Biden now holds his largest-ever lead over President Trump, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — a 12-point margin that’s four times the size of Hillary Clinton’s national advantage over Trump at this point in 2016. The survey, which was conducted from Oct. 23 to 25, found that 54 percent of likely voters have either already voted for Biden or plan to vote for him by Election Day. Just 42 percent of likely voters say they are casting their ballots for Trump.
Wow, more bad news for the Groper in Chief, after a different judge OK’d more efforts to release his taxes.
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No wonder the criminal clown is fighting so hard to win the election. If/when he loses it’s just a matter of time till the criminal charges against him hit the courts, where even his Army of Lawyers won’t keep him from being humiliated and then incarcerated. Lock Him Up! BREAKING NEWS A federal judge blocked a Justice Dept. bid to shield President Trump from being sued for defamation over his denial of a rape allegation. Tuesday, October 27, 2020 9:48 AM EST
Here in Colorado we had a record high, and then a record low in the same week, for the second time this year.
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This is while we and California have the biggest and most fires ever recorded, BY FAR, and Hurricane Zeta takes aim at Louisiana. What names do hurricanes get once they go through the entire Greek alphabet? Just wondering, as the morons(R) continue to deny Climate Change, and everything else they don’t like to admit. They just label it Fake News, while firmly and deeply re-implanting their heads. Nothing new here.....
I won’t subject you to the entire of torrent of bullshit from Dotard’s vile mouth, but he was fact-checked on his latest speech and he told 131 LIES in 90 minutes. And that wasn’t even counting the many times he referred to himself as being SO GOOD LOOKING....
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Rallies Are the Core of Trump’s Campaign, and a Font of Lies and Misinformation A recent rally in Wisconsin was typical. In 90 minutes, President Trump made 131 false or inaccurate statements. By Linda Qiu and Michael D. Shear Oct. 26, 2020 President Trump’s speech in Janesville, Wis., October 17, 2020 Passages highlighted in red are false or inaccurate . Here’s a small, typical portion. Their plan also includes disarming law-abiding citizens. Namely, taking away your Second Amendment. Think of it while turning the entire country into one giant sanctuary for criminals, illegal aliens, including those charged with rape, assault, murder, killing — She said, you're the most handsome president." I said, "Am I the most handsome president ever?" "Yes, absolutely." I said, "Who could top me while?" She said, "Well, JFK was good looking, but nothing like you. Nothing like you darling." Yeah. This is the world that h...
Remember when 3000 American deaths on 9-11 SHOCKED America? And then there were 4 deaths in BENGHAZI! Totally freaked out the FOXSheep
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But now, we’re seeing two 9-11’s per week, plus 250 BENGHAZI’s in that same week.And the FOXLed sheep don’t give a shit, cuz ‘their boy’ is at the root of it. Yup, finally the Bullshit Mountain clowns can rightfully claim, ‘WE’RE NUMBER ONE! In deaths.... The Hypocritical a**holes are off the chart when it comes to American deaths. Some count and some don’t. Nothing new here as 4 deaths in BENGHAZI cause the sheep to scream ‘Lock Her Up!’ But 225,000 deaths after the Liar in Chief ignores a pandemic gets a ‘Meh’ From the same jerks(R). And they wonder WHY they’re known as the ‘head up their ass’ crowd?
Just saw ‘60 Minutes’ (recorded) and, believe it or not, Dotard LIES his ass off, as usual.
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BUT, this was worse for him, cuz the 60 Minutes crew was able to show tape of his lies, right as he was LYING and saying, ‘I never said that’, as in ‘I never called Dr Fauci an idiot’, ‘I never said ‘Lock her up’ about the WI guv. He did. He bitched about Leslie Stahl’e ‘softball interview with Joe Biden. She hasn’t ever interviewed him. He continually said ‘We are rounding the corner on COVID”. We aren’t. He says he had the best economy EVER for the US. He didn’t/doesn’t. He says he encourages mask wearing. He doesn’t. And I could go on and on, but WHY? We all know he lies constantly, but only some of us care. The Liar in Chief ended the interview by walking out, and then had his ass kissing lackey bring in a YUUUUGE bound book, saying it was his Health Care Plan. It wasn’t. It was just a bunch of old presidential orders and Congressional Bills and assorted filler. BUT, no Health Care Plan, which was the big ‘Gotcha’ he had planned. Same old sh*t from the same old a**hole. ...
After dumping Drs Fauci, Birx and Redfield, Dotard finally found a lackey who’d lick his boots and catapult false info to the public.
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Yup, the Liar in Chief found a FOXNews kiss-ass with ZERO infectious disease experience. A radiologist whose major qualification was being a Bullshit Mountain talking head who supported the Orange Clown. VOILA! In charge of the nation’s pandemic! I’d think even the gullible, ignorant sheep could see through this bullshit. But no, I keep forgetting I’m dealing with a ‘head up their ass’ crowd who won’t even wear masks as our country is seeing record numbers of infections. We can only hope Darwin’s Law culls these idiots from our species.... In a new interview, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates sharply criticized the Trump administration for muzzling experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) while instead listening to White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Scott Atlas, whom Gates calls a “pseudo-expert” who’s “off-the-rails.”
Biden is going to win because most people want a change. THey’re tired of the RUssian backed, arrogant, LYING conman in the White House.
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They want to go back to a time when the president didn’t trash people like an insult comic. Back to a time when the president did not peddle his own lethal reality. Back to a time when the president cared about the whole country, not just the part that voted for him . Back to a time when the president didn’t dismiss science, treat the Justice Department like his personal legal defense firm, besmirch the intelligence community, and denigrate the F.B.I. for not doing his bidding. Back to a time when the president behaved like an adult, not a delinquent.
In case you didn’t know, this map clearly shows the difference between Biden’s people and Trump’s base.
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The YUUUGE most obvious takeaway is that the Blue portions show where you live, IF you have a choice. With the exception of the Florida coast, Red portions basically show where you live if you DON’T have a choice and can’t afford to leave. Dotard’s base is the Bible Belt, where education/income is the lowest, and they’re subsidized by the Blue States. Check out the map and guess where property values are HIGH, for a reason, and then look at Dotard’s base, as he said about them, ‘I love the poorly educated’. Duh, I wonder why? Can’t get any more obvious.....
This election will test our country’s core.
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Who are we? How did we come to this? How did this country elect Donald Trump and does it have the collective constitution to admit the error and reverse it? Like Trump, the Republican Party sees a future in which the only way they can win is to cheat. That is why they are stacking the courts. That is why they openly embrace tactics that are well known to result in voter suppression. That is why they gerrymander. That is why they staunchly oppose immigration. Trump’s base of mostly white men, mostly without a college degree , see him as the ambassador of their anger, one who ministers to their fear, consoles their losses and champions their victimhood. Trump is the angry white man leading the battle charge for angry white men.
Dotard has hurt America in SO many ways, but one of the most obvious, and most damaging is in education.
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Not only with Betsy DeVoss (She and her children NEVER attended public schools, BUT she was a YUUUGE donor to the Pubs) as Sec of Education, but also with higher education. Foreign student’s tuition make up a LARGE part of University financing, in essence subsidizing US students, but under Dotard these lucrative students have shunned the US. We not only don’t have the best and brightest of the world coming, and oft times staying, but we don’t have their money either. I realize this may be part of the Pubs plan, cuz EVERY study shows that the more education a person has, the more likely they are to vote Dem, SO, the Pubs have actively acted to stymie education, but Dotard’s trashing of America’s name has done particular damage that will take MANY years to fix. BTW, screw him and the ignorant sheep he rode in on. Most colleges in the survey said the difficulty in obtaining U.S. visas was also to blame. Student visas issued under Trump shrunk 42%, from nearly 700,000 in 2015 to under...
SOO, five people close to Mike Pence have COVID19, BUT, he’s not cutting back on campaign appearances.
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The arrogant Pathological Liar inhabits his own fantasy world. Totally removed from reality. And the gullible, ignorant sheep(R) of Bullshit Mountain eat it up.
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I’ll tell you, if Claimate Change is a Chinese hoax, as the Pubs love to claim, those tricksters are damn good at what they do.
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Colorado's summer of record heat , extreme drought and devastating wildfires -- the three largest ever recorded have burned in the last three months -- has cast fresh urgency on our climate crisis, as this state and the West see escalating impacts from a warming planet. Jus what will it take, for the morons(R) to ‘wake up and smell the smoke?’
As always, I gotta ask the question.
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We all know Dotard is a YUUUGE Liar, which is what he has always been. It’s just him. BUT, how/why do the formerly intelligent sheep support him? How/why does LYING become acceptable? We all know he lies his fat ass off, and there was a time even Pubs didn’t put up with such bullshit. But that doesn’t matter any more. The Pubs don’t care that he’s a f**king liar. When did this happen? Oh yeah, when FOX took over the minds of the double digit IQ crowd. Never mind.....
As the two largest OF ALL TIME fires burn here in Colorado, within less than 20 miles,
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Just read a new description of Dotard, concerning the Coronavirus
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This is about as close as the clowns at FOX will come to admitting the truth about the Rudy/Russian/Hunter Biden laptop fiasco is total bullshit.
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Dotard’s whiny release of the Leslie Stahl interview just proved, again, what a lying jerk the clown actually is.
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Everyone who follows professional golf knows that Jon Daly is known for two things. His long drives and being a drunken fool.
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Dotard wonders why no one, except the gullible, ignorant sheep believe him., as crazy Rudy peddles the Russian supplied laptop. HA!
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Wow, I’m shocked! You mean the Orange Clown doesn’t give a shit? Who da thunk?
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Just saw the new Borat movie, and I loved it, partially cuz the Pubs are gonna hate it.
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Borat makes a fool of the Pubs, not that it’s that hard to do. NRA people, rightwingnut churchiest, southern bigots, Mike Pence and Crazy Rudy, caught with his hand in his pants, in a hotel room with a young girl. ‘Borat, The Subsequent Moviefilm’ is a tribute to the rightwingnuts who suck down the crap from FOX, and are now EXPOSED as the idiots they are. Laugh with Borat, Pence, Rudy and Dotard. Check it out, and see what you think, as Borat infiltrates the Trump gatherings who blame the coronavirus on Obama and Hillary. Perfect timing, as the Trumpies have to face Dotard’s INCOMPETENCE in dealing with COVID19, with their heads DEEP in their asses. Nothing new here.....
Even before the debate, the Liar in Chief has told well over 25,000 LIES.
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We just learned how Scott Atlas took over Dotard’s pandemic team.
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Dotard posted his interview with Leslie Stahl, saying it was SO rude and unfair.
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WHen she asked why he said the guv of WI and Biden should be Locked Up, he got pissed and said, ‘I NEVER said that’. Then we saw the tape, where he said about the guv. ‘Lock her up, lock them all up’. And he said the same about the Biden’s. ‘Lock them ALL up’. LYING pice of crap! But nothing new here.....
Here’s a scene from Borat’s new movie, where ‘Crazy Rudy’ Giuliani, the Italian Wile E Coyote, follows the underage (he thinks) girl to a hotel room.
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Biden wasn’t terrible last night, but he could have been much better, confronting Dotard on his YUUUGE lies.
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But I guess that wasn’t part of Joe’s game plan. He did end well, though, when he looked us in the eye and basically said, ‘you know this guy’s a morally bankrupt, LYING, Russian backed clown from Mar a Loco. Choose who you want to represent America.’ Not those words exactly, but close. What is on the ballot here is the character of this country: decency, honor, respect, treating people with dignity.” He’s right about that. And he’s the right person because of that. “You know who I am, you know who he is,” Biden said earlier. “Look at us closely.” I don’t need to turn my eyes toward Trump anymore. I’ve seen all that I can take, and I’m long past ready for a different view. BTW, who could keep from laughing when Dotard claimed the Pubs are gonna take ‘the House’. Oh really? Any of you rightwingnuts wanna bet?
Neither candidate really hurt of helped themselves last night,
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BUT, the only reason Dotard wasn’t crucified this morning for the YUUUUGE number of LIES he told is that we’re just used to it. We know he’s gonna LIE his fat ass off, cuz he always does. Just a few of the outrageous lies from the Liar in Chief last night. I’ve done a great job on the coronavirus, cuz 2.2 million were expected to die. OMG! I’ve been told by many world leaders what a great job I’ve done. Oh REALLY, as the US leads the world in DEATHS, after you killed the Pandemic Response Team and LIED to the public so we wouldn’t PANIC? We’re ‘rounding the corner’, when all the charts show cases and deaths RISING? Dotard claimed Joe called Blacks Super Predators and promised to show the proof today. He never said it, Hillary did. Dotard claimed Joe wasn’t from Scranton, he is. Dotard said Joe would ban fracking. He never said it, only as to one part of Federal land. Dotard claimed Joe would raise taxes on everyone. NOPE, just those making over $400K. The as**hole claimed Joe woul...
Wow, within the last 24 hours,
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an Area SIX TIMES the size of Denver have burned in the area of Granby/Grand Lake. Now they’re evacuating Estes Park. Yup, Climate Change is just a Chinese Hoax. I guess they should have raked the forests....And the fires are worse, cuz of all the pine beetle killed trees, which died cuz the winter temps never got low enough to kill the beetle larvae. Just part of climate change that the morons of FOXNews DENY, cuz of the X-Spurts of Bullshit Mountain, who know NOTHING about climatology, but preach to the sheep who swallow the crap. Nothing new here, as the fire gets closer.
Looks like Dotard IS going to ‘debate’ tonight. HA!
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The Russian backed arrogant, LYING jerk isn’t going to answer any embarrassing, (and they’re all embarrassing to him) questions. He’s just gonna ‘go off’ and spew a bunch of bullshit. He may get muted at times, but they need a BULLSHIT! Button when he starts LYING, and that’s all he does. Wanna bet?
Dotard says he’ll take a Coronavirus test before tonight’s debate,
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Dotard made fun of Dr Fauci, for not being a good ‘ball thrower’. Oh really?
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Hearing Obama, speak, was such a nice change after Dotard. An articulate, intelligent speaker, vs a Russian backed, LYING egotistical blowhard
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Amid the rhetoric, one specific set of lines jumped out at me as channeling what so many people -- including Republicans who voted for Trump in 2016 -- feel right now. Here it is (bolding is mine): "And with Joe and Kamala at the helm, you're not going to have to think about the crazy things they said every day. And that's worth a lot. You're not going to have to argue about them every day. It just won't be so exhausting ." Wow, that would be SO nice.....
Dotard is sticking with the same plan he’s always had.
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Any news that the clown doesn’t like, he labels as FAKE. r 14 min ago Trump disputes new Fox News polls From CNN’s Betsy Klein President Trump is railing against a new set of Fox News polls released Wednesday that show him trailing Democratic nominee Joe Biden in multiple states. The President is calling his followers’ attention to polls that show he leads by 3 points in Ohio, per Fox News, and Biden is ahead by 12 points in Michigan, 5 points in Pennsylvania, and 5 points in Wisconsin. Trump called the polls "totally FAKE." "I am leading in all of the states mentioned, which you will soon see," he tweeted .
Dotard claims, ‘I know words, I have the best words, I’m like REALLY smart, a stable genius.’
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Well, the Liar in Chief’s high opinion of himself, although disputed by MOST Americans, hasn’t changed. This is how the clown described his 60 Minutes interview. Trump tweeted Thursday morning. “Compare my full, flowing and ‘magnificently brilliant’ answers to their ‘Q’s’.” Magnificently Brilliant? OMG, who swallows this crap? Oh yeah, the sheep....
FOX and the Pubs, one and the same, are bitchin’, cuz the mainstream media,
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called so for a reason, Hans;t picked up their bogus story about Hunter Biden’s ‘lost’ laptop. The original story came out in the Washington Post, a FOXType ‘news’ paper, with NO by-line. NO ONE would out their name on it, or provide background. We did find out who supplied the laptop and some juicy details. Surprise, the goons behind the story are Rudy Mad Dog Giuliani and Steve Bannon. OK, ‘nuff said....
We all know the mouthpiece of the Repub party is FOXNews.
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And their(R) MAIN attack against Joe is Biden’s son, Hunter, who made money from his dad’s name. And this is why Biden is a worse prez than Dotard? This is their(R) main attack against the Russian backed, LYING, NYC conman who grabs pussies and brags about it, as he LIED about COVID19? How deep in your ass does your head have to be?
Because sometimes things are SO obvious, even an organization that tries to stay apolitical has to take a stand.
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For the first time since USA TODAY was founded in 1982, we urged readers not to vote for Donald Trump, calling the Republican nominee unfit for office because he lacked the “temperament, knowledge, steadiness and honesty that America needs from its presidents.” We stopped short, however, of an outright endorsement of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. This year, the Editorial Board unanimously supports the election of Joe Biden, who offers a shaken nation a harbor of calm and competence.
It seems the Proud Boys are taking Dotard at his word....
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Law enforcement and election officials are investigating threatening emails sent to voters in multiple Florida counties pressuring them to vote for President Donald Trump and claiming to be from a far-right group with a history of violent confrontations. The emails, which appeared to be sent from "," said the group had obtained contact information about the voter and threatened to “come after” the person if they don’t vote for Trump The Proud Boys, a group that catapulted to national attention in September when Trump dodged a chance to condemn them .
And there’s 18 other women who say Dotard sexually attacked them, including many rape claims. This is the same jerk who bragged how he’d just grab em by the pussy....
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Dotar just spoke of ‘Fauci and the other idiots.’ Oh really? The same Fauci that people believe more than 2-1 over Trump?
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The "idiots" Trump referred to are presumably the scientists who, on Sunday, he also mocked at a rally in Nevada. "If I listened totally to the scientists, we would right now have a country that would be in a massive depression," said Trump. He also said that if his rival Joe Biden were elected president in November "he'll listen to the scientists" as if it's a bad thing. Rounding out the crazy remarks, Trump warned that with a President Biden, "the Christmas season will be canceled." Just keep talking, idiot, we need to hear more of your ‘stable genius’ thoughts.....
Just what is the jackass trying to say?
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Typical is this riff from Carson City, Nevada, on Sunday. "I think the women from the suburbs are looking for a couple of things," Trump said. "One of them is safety. One of them is good, strong security. And one of them is they don't want to have low-income housing built next to their house. And you know who makes up 30% of your suburbs? Minorities. African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, minorities. Okay?" Has the dumbass just given up?
Wow, of all the Pubs that have jumped ship, this is my FAVORITE reasoning. Just read it....
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Retired Navy Adm. William McRaven, the former head of US Special Operations Command who oversaw the successful raid that killed Osama bin Laden, said he is voting for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden . "Truth be told, I am a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, small-government, strong-defense and a national-anthem-standing conservative," McRaven wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed published Monday. "But, I also believe that black lives matter, that the Dreamers deserve a path to citizenship, that diversity and inclusion are essential to our national success, that education is the great equalizer, that climate change is real and that the First Amendment is the cornerstone of our democracy. For this reason I am voting for Joe Biden.” Also, former RNC Chairman Michael Steel also came out for Biden today, joining the last Repub prez candidate Mitt Romney and the last Repub prez, GW Bush. Just how deep in you ass does your head have to be, not to ‘get it’? Oh ...
Well, we can call off the election, cuz we already have a winner, according to the senile old fart who preaches to the 700 Club sheep.
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Yup, no need to count the votes Pat’s been talking to God and the BiG Guy assured him that Dotard is gonna win. Damn! I was hoping it was on a be Biden. Televangelist Pat Robertson on Tuesday said God told him who will prevail in the Nov. 3 presidential election: President Donald Trump. “First of all, I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election,’’ Robertson told viewers during a segment on “The 700 Club.’’ Oh, and he claims an asteroid will then strike the earth, ending life as we know it. No Pat, that would happen if Dotard wins again, you demented old fart. Robertson has made such prophesies before and was wrong. In 1976, he predicted the world would end in 1982. And in his 1990 book, "The New Millennium," he said the world would be destroyed on April 29, 2007. So maybe that’s why on Tuesday, after describing the destruction the asteroid will cause, Robertson said, “then, maybe the end.’’