Biden wasn’t terrible last night, but he could have been much better, confronting Dotard on his YUUUGE lies.

 But I guess that wasn’t part of Joe’s game plan.

He did end well, though, when he looked us in the eye and basically said, ‘you know this guy’s a morally bankrupt, LYING, Russian backed clown from Mar a Loco. Choose who you want to represent America.’

Not those words exactly, but close.

What is on the ballot here is the character of this country: decency, honor, respect, treating people with dignity.” He’s right about that. And he’s the right person because of that.

“You know who I am, you know who he is,” Biden said earlier. “Look at us closely.” I don’t need to turn my eyes toward Trump anymore. I’ve seen all that I can take, and I’m long past ready for a different view.

BTW, who could keep from laughing when Dotard claimed the Pubs are gonna take ‘the House’. Oh really? Any of you rightwingnuts wanna bet?


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