Nearly everyone who is familiar with this election will agree that winning Pennsylvania Is crucial to winning the presidency.

 But, PA is a strange state to predict and harder to win, cuz basically you have Pittsburg on one side, Philadelphia on the other and Alabama in between.

Biden can appeal to, and win the educated city vote, but when you get out into yokel country, Dotard ha a huge advantage. It’s microcosm of the country. Educated, urban and suburban voters vs the Un/Under-educated Bible thumpers who LOVE his farm subsidies after he screwed up the US agriculture and trade policies.

How does Biden reach voters when all they listen to are FOXNews and their hell and brimstone preachers who tell them that Biden is gonna take their guns, cancel Christmas and send Mexican rapists Into their villages?

The only answer is voter turnout, and Like everywhere the Dems are trying to turn out the vote while the Pubs are doing all they can to obstruct it

That alone should tell you all you need to know, as the rural bumpkins think the Orange Conman from NYC, with his Russian backing really has their interests at heart. It’s a wall of ignorance that’s nearly impossible to penetrate.


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