Neither candidate really hurt of helped themselves last night,

 BUT, the only reason Dotard wasn’t crucified this morning for the YUUUUGE number of LIES he told is that we’re just used to it. We know he’s gonna LIE his fat ass off, cuz he always does.

Just a few of the outrageous lies from the Liar in Chief last night.

I’ve done a great job on the coronavirus, cuz 2.2 million were expected to die. OMG!

I’ve been told by many world leaders what a great job I’ve done. Oh REALLY, as the US leads the world in DEATHS, after you killed the Pandemic Response Team and LIED to the public so we wouldn’t PANIC?

We’re ‘rounding the corner’, when all the charts show cases and deaths RISING?

Dotard claimed Joe called Blacks Super Predators and promised to show the proof today. He never said it, Hillary did.

Dotard claimed Joe wasn’t from Scranton, he is.

Dotard said Joe would ban fracking. He never said it, only as to one part of Federal land.

Dotard claimed Joe would raise taxes on everyone. NOPE, just those making over $400K.

The as**hole claimed Joe would knock down ‘all the buildings’ and rebuild with TINY or NO windows. OMG!

He claimed he’d LOVE to show his taxes, but they’re under audit. Bullshit! There’s no rules about not showing taxes under audit. He just continually uses that LIE to hide his tax returns.

Dotard keeps claiming he has a GREAT Health Care Plan that will be ready in ‘two weeks’.  It’s been 4 years and he has ZERO plans.

He ran on doing a YUUUGE infrastructure plan, something the Dems would love to pass. The asshole has ZERO plan for it.

The dumbshit claims China pays the BILLIONS in tariffs he levied. BULLSHIT! The American people pay them. How can he continually tell such a bald faced LIE? Cuz the sheep swallow his crap, that’s why.

He claims the 545 kids that have lost their parents were taken from cartels and coyotes. Bullshit? They were taken from their parents.

He claims he closed his China acct in 2015. Bullshit. It’s still open.

I could go on and on, but WHY.

We ALL know he lies his fat ass off, but only some of us care. Any normal person would be skewered today for all his lies last night but we all just EXPECT it from the lying piece of shit cuz he lies CONSTANTLY.


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