I’ll buy the bumper sticker, if they make it, honoring Tim Walz’ acceptance speech as the Dem’s VP.

 He was talking about abortion, but it pertains to Christian Nationalists/Fascists and their attempts to make everyone bow to their beliefs, EVEN THOUGH the Founding Fathers were explicit in keeping government and religion TOTALLY SEPARATE.

It’s called ‘Separation of church and state’, and it’s VERY specific, no matter WHAT the Trumpies say.

Walz said MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS when referring to abortion, but it applies to MANY other issues. If you don’t like something, don’t do it, BUT, don’t try to force your thoughts and beliefs on everyone else.

Obvious, to everyone but the fanatics, BUT, there’s LOTS of em ‘out there’… and the NYC conman has em all herded up, claiming to be one of them, as he USES them to try and take over our democracy.

Who can’t see this? Oh yeah, the FOXSheep, who’ve signed on to Boss Hogg’s bullshit, happily putting up with his crap and LIES, cuz they think they’ll somehow benefit.

What a joke, but it’s just not funny, as in….

An emerging movement against in vitro fertilization is driving some doctors and patients in red states to move or destroy frozen embryos.

The embryo migration is most striking in Alabama, where the state Supreme Court ruled in February that embryos were “unborn children.” 


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