Those of us who were around, and SHOCKED when the Pubs presented a bunch of FAKE veterans, as Swift Boat Captains, and lied their asses off about John Kerry.

 These professional LIARS said they were in Viet Nam with Kerry, they weren’t, and he had shot an unarmed Vietnamese boy in the back.

It was total bullshit, cuz Kerry was actually being attacked by the Viet Congress and he saved lives by fighting back.

BUT, FOXNews took the LIE and ran with it, convincing their gullible ignorant sheep.

The Pubs learned a LOT with that first major LIE and it has become a major part of their arsenal, with SwiftBoating becoming part of the political lexicon.

It means means up a lie and hammering your opponent with it until people begin to believe it.

Now, they’re back and the original Swift Boat liar, LaCevita, has been hired by Captain Bonespurs’ campaign, to cast dispersions on Tim Walz’ 24 year military career.

And the gullible ignorant sheep are swallowing it.


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