
Showing posts from September, 2024

Funny 3 part sequence on The Daily Show, that started with a MAGA moron saying, ‘Trump NEVER lies.’

 Then we saw a clip of Dotard saying, ‘I will never lie to you.’ Then we saw a LONG clip of Boss Hogg lying his fat ass off, at least fifteen times, (and there could have been hundreds, easily). Easily provable bullshit. You idiots(R) are SO ignorant/gullible. OR, you just don’t give a shit that he’s the worst LIAR in history. Unforgivable ….

Just saw a clip of Dotard, telling his crowd that the ABC commentators fact checked him 9 or 11 times, and the crowd went crazy when they did.

 First, there was NO CROWD at all. And, they fact checked him FOUR times, not 9 to 11, and each time when it was a yuuuge lie, but they let several lies go unchallenged. What? You say he LIES?

Wow, it is SO funny to see the Repub mayor of Aurora stammering about Dotard’s visit, after the Lyin King claimed his city had been ‘taken over by Venezuelan gangs.’

 Mike Coffman is now claiming that he wants no part of Boss Hogg’s political sideshow after rightwing media took an isolated incident, where some gangbangers tried to extort people illegally living in an apartment building that had been been condemned, after the cheap ass out of state owners did ZERO maintenance. The Orange Clown then took a yuuuge LIE, that Aurora had been taken over by immigrant gangs, much like Haitians eating pets, and is using it in his campaign, which is MOSTLY lies, like Springfield Ohio and Aurora, CO. If the asshole couldn’t LIE he’d have nothing to say. BTW, local news can’t find ONE, so far, Republican that will attend the jackass’s news conference in Aurora, as he rips a city, over a LIE, and they are PISSED, that the city will have pay, a BUNCH, for the jerk to visit. Nothing new here, but how any intelligent person can support the lying piece of sh*t is beyond me….

Wow, can you say HYPOCRITE?

 When Russia hacked Hillary’s campaign, after Dotard specifically asked them to, the jackass used the info they gave him, to get elected, in an election decided by less than 80,000 votes, spread over three Rust Belt states. Fast forward to this year, where the Harris campaign got sensitive info on the pig, DIDN’T use it and immediately reported it. Now, the jerk is using that report, bitching about Kamala’s people STEALING from his campaign . And the sheep are swallowing it. Why am I not surprised?

The shameless grifter strikes again,

 as he monetizes the White House like no one In history. As selling trading cards, gold tennies, coffee table books, pieces of his clothes and BIBLES wasn’t enough, the greedy bastard is now launching a new cryptocurrency scam, with his kids as fellow scammers. I can only hope the morons who send him their money get fleeced like the idiots who bought his Truth Social stock and his Vodka, and University, and Airline and Casinos, etc. Don, who put the Con in Conservative. PT Barnum was right when he said there’s one born every minute. And they vote straight Republican….


    “Donald Trump saying he won’t debate Kamala Harris a second time is like the Thanksgiving turkey saying he won’t be available for Christmas dinner.”  

Do you MAGA morons ever get tired of all Dotard’s LIES?

 Or do you even KNOW they’re LIES, cuz you get you (mis)information from Bullshit Mountain?

George Clooney agreed to Trump’s taunt, saying, ‘I will if he does.’

 He was referring to Dotard whining about Clooney voicing his opinions on Boss Hogg. The jackass said, ‘He oughta get out of politics and go back to television.’ Sooo, George agreed, IF the Lyin King will do the same. Seems fair…. I was gonna comment on FOX ‘news’ headlines today, and the piles of shit they shovel to the sheep. And then thought, WHY? If your brain is SO polluted that you don’t realize Rupert’s cash cow is all about a (large) niche audience, where Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD is what it’s ALL ABOUT, you shore ain’t gonna smarten up now….And if you’d rather listen to Republican Propaganda vs real news…. Go for it, but don’t think you are INFORMED in the real world.

Wow, I’m shocked! Over 100 Republicans, those who were closest to him, claim he’s ’unfit to serve’. This, after no former Repub presidents, VP, former candidates and most of his Cabinet and staff, REFUSE TO ENDORSE the jackass. Who da thunk?

  111 Republican former officials endorse Harris, say Trump is ‘unfit to serve’ PUBLISHED WED, SEP 18 2024 10:36 AM EDT The group includes former Trump administration officials, as well as officials who served under former Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. They decried Trump for sowing “daily chaos in government” during his first term in office, arguing that he put his personal interests before the country’s and “violated his oath of office” by inciting the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. But….what do they know, about a LYING, morally bankrupt, criminal conman from NYC, where those who know him HATE him, BUT, dictators around the world are his closest buddies, as he dreams of being like them. And the gullible, ignorant FOXSheep fall for Rupert’s propaganda.  Unbelievable, but SO rightwingnut…..

The guy is just an idiot, and keeps proving it, as he spoke to Michiganders about Climate Change, which he denies, rising ocean water levels.

  Critics are taking   Donald Trump   to school after the former president made a bizarre claim about the impact of rising sea levels. “You’ll have more seafront property, right, if that happens,” Trump told an audience in Michigan on Tuesday. NO, you dumbass, Michigan won’t change, cuz they aren’t on the coast, and those who are will have less. It reminds me of his tariff policy, where he doesn’t even realize WHO pays. Just a f-ing moron….

You MAGA morons amaze me.

 I regularly check in on FOX, NEWSMAX, etc, where propaganda is shoveled to you sheep. As in the rightwingnuts bitch about David Muir and ABC for calling out Boss Hogg, but NOT Harris. Duh, Dotard LIED 24 to 32 times, many of them WHOPPERS, and Harris misstated ONE fact about fracking. And you morons can’t tell the difference, in getting called out on his YUUGE amount of LIES, which everyone has just gotten used to, cuz he lies THOUSANDS of times, and the sheep don’t give a f*ck. JD Vance just admitted he’s LYING (creating stories) about immigrants eating pets, cuz he wants to change the news. WTF is wrong with you morons(R)? Oh yeah….FOXNews, where you never hear the truth…..

Creating stories is just euphemism for LYING, and now the Pubs are admitting what we all know. They LIE, when it suits them, cuz that’s how Boss Hogg has taught them.

  Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) argued that one “really telling phrase” from GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance confirmed “what we all have sensed forever” — which is that   Republicans   are willing to “say anything” to win the 2024 election. Vance  admitted to CNN’s Dana Bash  this weekend that, “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

The LYING, morally bankrupt pig, with the help of Rupert and FOXNews, has taken over the gullible and ignorant part of our once great country.

  Nearly half of Republicans say they won’t accept the results of  the presidential election  if  their candidate  loses, and some of them say they would “take action to overturn” the results, according to data released Tuesday. Yup, when Dotard loses, AGAIN, he’s gonna claim he won, with ZERO evidence, like before, and his weak brained minions are gonna raise all kinds of hell. Don’t believe me? Just wait and see….

I just realized something obvious.

 Boss Hogg keeps doing and saying all this total bullshit stuff, like pets being eaten by immigrants, to command the headlines. And it works. While we’re listening and talking about his latest bullshit we’re NOT talking about how he got his fat ass handed to him in the last debate, and how he quoted Victor Orban as his ally among so many other brain farts. Same old shit, and if I gotta explain you wouldn’t understand.

Just like the ‘stolen election’, the Pubs are pushing the bullshit about Haitians (who are here legally), eating pets.

 The person who began the rumor has admitted she screwed up, cuz nothing happened, BUT, that doesn’t stop the professional LIARS of the Repub party. Both stories have ZERO evidence, BUT, Doatrd and the Pubs shovel the shit to the gullible, ignorant sheep, and they eat it up. Some things never change.

I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!” Trump posted Sunday morning on Truth Social in his trademark all-caps style, without context or elaboration.

  Ana Navarro, the GOP strategist and commentator,  posted on X , “Donald Trump has lost what little sanity he had left. Taylor Swift broke him.” BUT, the worst news? Assassination attempts keep failing. We need better quality assassins….

We forget how dangerous Trump is, when the US military is involved.

  Trump began his presidency by staffing it with a number of serious and sober-minded people in key positions. For example, Gen. Jim Mattis was the secretary of defense, Gen. John Kelly was secretary of homeland security, and Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster was Trump’s national security adviser. Time and again, they threw their bodies in front of potentially disastrous policy decisions. Mattis and Kelly  reportedly even agreed  “to schedule their travel arrangements so at least one of them could be physically accessible to the new president at all times.” The effort to restrain Trump’s worst impulses placed responsible people under immense strain. McMaster resigned in 2018 after experiencing a difficult relationship with Trump. Mattis resigned in December 2018  in protest  of Trump’s precipitous withdrawal of American forces from Syria. Kelly became Trump’s chief of staff in July 2017, but then  left  the administration at the end of 2018. John Bolton stepped in to prevent calamity, and lasted

It’s like Dotard thinks we had no eyes, and have memories of what really happened on Jan 6, when we all saw the mob that invited and led, attack the Capitol. We’re not all morons like his MAGA hatted minions.

  For years,  Mr. Trump has helped craft an alternate history  of that day, one in which the violent attack was a “love fest,” the jailed rioters were “hostages” and their prosecution was a part of a larger story of persecution — of both Mr. Trump and his supporters — that has been at the core of his argument for a return to the presidency

The source of Dotard’s LIE spoke out. Ya think the gullible, ignorant sheep will believe it? Why not? Cuz they’re gullible ignorant sheep, that’s why…

  SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — The woman behind an early Facebook post spreading a harmful and baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating local pets that helped thrust a small Ohio city into the national spotlight says she had no firsthand knowledge of any such incident and is now filled with regret and fear as a result of the ensuing fallout. “It just exploded into something I didn’t mean to happen,” Erika Lee, a Springfield resident, told NBC News on Friday. Lee recently posted on Facebook about a neighbor’s cat that went missing, adding that the neighbor told Lee she thought the cat was the victim of an attack by her Haitian neighbors.

Throw the jackass an anchor, not a life preserver

  “Trump is drowning in the misinformation swamp he helped create” is the headline.

A message to the MAGA morons who support the LYING, morally bankrupt, criminal conman.

  And now, a brief message to Republicans in the wake of   Tuesday night’s presidential debate : HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA! Are you freakin’ kidding me? That babbling goon is your standard-bearer? Nice work! With one smart comment early in the debate,  Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris  shattered any veneer of sanity around Donald Trump, sending him spiraling into his true, babbling, unhinged form. He was often incomprehensible, all anger and grievance, a dunderhead for the ages and a tragic figure the GOP is fully strapped to. Harris did what, to Trump, is unthinkable. She said, accurately,  that people often leave his rallies  "out of exhaustion and boredom" because it’s always the same schtick. And the asshole(R) flipped out….

Kamala Harris and ABC aren’t the only ones calling out Dotard’s LIES.

  The fight began when Trump claimed during the U.S. presidential debate Tuesday night that Germany’s shift away from fossil fuels had failed, and that the Germans “were back to building normal energy plants.” Germany’s Foreign Ministry flipped out and responded with an unusually confrontational  post on X . Like it or not: Germany’s energy system is fully operational, with more than 50 percent renewables,” the ministry wrote, “And we are shutting down — not building — coal and nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest.” In reference to Trump’s  debunked claim  that undocumented immigrants were eating people’s pets in Ohio, the ministry added an eye-opening jibe: “PS: We also don’t eat cats and dogs.” Like Harris said, Trump is a joke among foreign leaders…

As Dotard and the FOXClowns bitch about him being fact checked,

With his obvious LIES about Dems killing babies after they’re born, Haitians eating pets and Harris and the Dems ‘taking your guns’, none of them admit that he got busted telling yuuuge LIES. LYING, like he always does. And it’s always FINE with the MAGA morons who back him. And none of them have any problem with the fact that he wouldn’t ever answer if he wants Ukraine to win against Russia, and his dictator buddy. Nothing new here….

Elon Musk, a really strange dude, who would save tens of billions of dollars in taxes, under Boss Hogg, (who gives yuuuge tax breaks to billionaires), had some strange words for Taylor Swift, who endorsed Harris after she kicked Dotard’s ass in the debate.

  "Fine win...I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life," Musk wrote on X. Weird, even for a weird guy like Elon, who has at least 12 children, (so he can spare one), with several different women. BTW, who ya think has to make up for the Billions in tax breaks for billionaires? Yup, the little people….

Lots of good lines about the debate, but this puts it in a nutshell.

    She was firm and forward-looking. Harris was speaking directly to the American people. Trump, by contrast, reprised his familiar role as America’s dark and self-obsessed loudmouth.

Boss Hogg’s Truth Social stock would obviously be worth more if he wins the election.

 In an ‘instant poll’, it dropped 17% this morning, following his disastrous debate performance. Can you say President Kamala? Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group plunged 17% on Wednesday morning to the  lowest level  since the Truth Social owner went public in late March. The value of Trump’s stake in the company has fallen sharply, going from $6.2 billion on May 9 to about $1.8 billion on Wednesday, and could be worth less than a dollar per share when he’s finally able to sell it.

Putin’s Pet couldn’t have been more obvious/oblivious than when he refused to answer, THREE DIFFERENT TIMES,

 a pretty easy question. ‘Do you want Ukraine to win in their war against Russia’. The asshole wouldn’t answer the question. That says all we need to know, as he’s in bed with his favorite dictator and is a wannabe dictator himself. And then there was his answer to Kamala’s claim that world leaders think he’s a joke, and Putin will, ‘have him for lunch’. ‘Well, Victor Orbach, (Hungarian dictator), thinks I’m great’, and he repeated it three times. OMG….

IF the Pubs were in power now, they’d be bragging about the strong economy, that leads the world, and low inflation, under 3%, that is the envy of the world, BUT, they’re OUT of power, cuz they were voted OUT.

 SOO, Boss Hogg just makes up crap about a failing economy and a failing nation. Just a bunch of bullshit, with no facts, like his Stolen Election crap, that is slurped up by his MAGA morons. Let’s hear about the Pubs own ‘Misery Index’, which they don’t mention now, for obvious reasons, as the stock market and people’s retirement accounts are at all time highs.

After their boy got his ass handed to him by Kamala, the Pubs are bitchin that Dotard got fact checked so often. Hmmm, I wonder ?

 Could it be cuz he told SO MANY egregious LIES? Easily misproven LIES? Thy could have called him out on a bunch more, like Harris and the Dems are gonna ‘take everyone’s guns.’ WTF? And the US is a failing nation with a failing economy… Bottom line, he lies his ass off CONSTANTLY, as he said in his book. ‘Tell a lie three times and people believe it’s true.’ No Donald, just your dumbass MAGA morons believe it.  The rest of us just know you’re a Pathological Liar.

Trump, JD Vance, Ted Cruz and other Repubs are pushing the claim that Haitians are eating pets in Springfield, OH.

 SOOO, an army of fact checkers checked it out, and SURPRISE, it’s bullshit, like so much of the crap from Repubs. BUT, the moderators got roasted, by the Pubs, for standing up for the truth, like they did for saying Dems don’t kill babies after they’re born and Trump didn’t have the best economy ever.  And there’s his old standby, yuuuge lie, that there’s all kinds of PROOF, that the election was stolen, although over sixty courts found ZERO. Bottom line, the Pubs LOVE to lie, but HATE it when they get called out for it.  Same old shit from the serial LIARS.

OMG! As bad as Old Joe was in the first debate, Kamala was even better in the second.

 I could list at least TEN ways that Boss Hogg had his ass handed to him, but, if you saw the debate and don’t realize that, just remove your head from your ass. Not even close! If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand. If there was a vote tomorrow, Dotard would be looking at prison in the next few years. Yahoo!

Watching the pre debate shows, and notice something inescapable.

 The Top Ten states in education and income are ALL Red (surprisingly they’re related), and the BOTTOM in education and income are ALL Red. Wow, who da thunk the Blue States dollars support the dummies in the Red States? Anyone with a working brain, that’s who. FOXSheep obviously excluded, cuz they’d never know these facts.

Dotard claims that the stock market will crash, the economy will do another Great Recession, like 1929 if Harris is elected.

 Oh really? This is the same administration that has steered the US economy to a record high in the stock market and has led the world in a comeback from the worldwide recession that was made SO much worse in the US by the total incompetence of Dotard, who said we should inject bleach and take horse worming pills, while the US led the world in COVID deaths. BTW, Putin and Kim Jong Un REALLY want Putin’s Pet in the White House and are doing yuuuge efforts to put him there. Ever wonder why?

SOOO, will this be like the last debate? Where the moderators ask Boss Hogg a question and he TOTALLY ignores it,

 While he goes off on a tirade of LIES? ain’t worked for him last time, as Old Joe just had a shell shocked look on on his baffled old face. BUT, it backfired on Dotard, as he now has a competent former prosecutor who will hopefully get some help from moderators who hopefully will ‘moderate’, and keep the wannabe dictator from sealing the presidency, IMMUNE from any kind of crime, thanks to SCOTUS(R).

Wow, did you know you could kiss your son goodbye, as he goes to school,

 And he’d get a sex change operation, without your consent? Yup, that’s what happens, in Dem controlled schools, accordingly to the LYIN KING! OMG, who swallows this crap? Oh yeah, the FOXSheep….BUT, is anyone really that stooopid? Of course! They’re Trump voters, so they’ll swallow ANYTHING!

Those who know him won’t vote for him. Now including both Cheney’s. Dotard has ONE former Repub past candidate in his corner. Sarah Palin

 Bush, Romney, Ryan, Most of his cabinet and staff and especially Pence, say ‘No f-ing way!’, like the people of New York, who HATE the crooked conman, cuz they know him. But, the Russians, China and Iran are actively backing him, including Putin, who has him totally mesmerized. And, oh yeah, the FOXSheep, who swallow Rupert’s propaganda.

Before I could change the channel, the pig’s face came on, and I heard his quote.

 ‘Trump is never wrong. I’m NEVER wrong.’ Oh really? And the sheep swallow this shit? And then the quote from Harris, ‘He has no floor, when it comes to how low he’ll go. And he’s not burdened by the truth.’ So true….

Even the clowns at FOX are saying ‘WTF’ after Dotard’s rambling, non answer to specific policy.

  Fox News Host Hits Colleagues With A 'Dare' To Decode Trump's Rambling Answer Jessica Tarlov called the former president's response "one of the most incoherent things" she's ever heard. She continued, “He’s gonna halve energy prices — drill, baby, drill — even though we’re producing more oil than we’ve ever have before, leading the world. More tax cuts for the rich and tariffs are the only way we’re gonna be paying for it. Wow, when even Bullshit Mountain says he’s full of crap, maybe we should believe them….

Just stand back, let him blabber and wonder, ‘WTF is wrong with those who think he’s presidential’?

 Every day it’s something… But the FOXSheep never hear his worst BS, cuz it doesn’t fall into the FOX mantra of Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD. Trump is destroying his own campaign. Harris just needs to stand back and laugh. Trump is losing this election all by himself. He has had media mishap after mishap. Harris should stand back as her opponent's campaign implodes.

Newsflash, for you morons(R) ‘out there’.

  Trump admits he lost in 2020, leading white nationalist Nick Fuentes to disavow him White nationalist Nick Fuentes  blasted Trump Sept. 4  for admitting that he lost the 2020 election, and said that he will work to get voters not to back Trump. "So, why did we do Stop the Steal? Why did did anyone go to Jan. 6? Why did any one go to jail? ... It would have been good to know that before 1,600 people got charged," Fuentes said  on his podcast , referring to the criminal charges for those who invaded and ransacked the Capitol. "It would’ve been good to know that before (I) had all my money frozen, put on a no-fly list, banned from everything, lost all my bank and payment processing.”

Wow, this gonna piss off a bunch of the gullible, ignorant sheep, who have been swallowing his bullshit, for years.

 Some of em are even in jail, after his Insurrection on Jan 6. Hmm, what you morons think of his latest admission’? Former President Donald Trump's recent acknowledgment that  he lost the 2020 election  has rattled prominent far-right figures, with some saying they will lead a campaign to keep him from being elected in 2024. At least three times in recent weeks Trump, the 2024 Republican party nominee, has acknowledged that he lost in 2020 "by a whisker."

IF, you swallow the crap from FOX, (why?), you think that Venezuelan gangs took over Aurora, Colorado.

 WTF?  A few gangbangers did their thing, a SMALL apart of any big city BS, and they’ve been taken  care of. BUT, in Bullshit Mountain world, it’s a YUUUGE thing… Swallow the crap, sheep, cuz that’s what you do. Those of us who live here know it’s bullshit, like most of FOXCrap.. What a joke, for Boss Hogg’s sheep…

They’re doing it again, after they were successful in putting Putin’s Pet in the White House in 2016, where a total of less than 80,000 voters, spread over three Rust Belt states, (where FOX, with their Russian propaganda ruled the airwaves), put Boss Hogg over the top, in the Electoral College, although he lost the popular vote by millions.

Exclusive: US to accuse Russia of sustained effort to influence 2024 election A growing number of foreign operatives have attempted to influence US elections since Russia’s 2016 activity, which included hacking the Democratic National Committee and leaking documents aimed at undercutting Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. RT, the Russian state media network, is a major focus of the US announcement, the sources said. US officials see the Russian outlet as a key piece of Kremlin propaganda efforts aimed at helping Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election, while discrediting VP Harris.

Read how this jerk starts to rag on Kamala, and then gets lost in space, WAY lost, before his handlers can rein him in.

  She destroyed the city of San Francisco, it’s — and I own a big building there — it’s no — I shouldn’t talk about this but that’s OK I don’t give a damn because this is what I’m doing. I should say it’s the finest city in the world — sell and get the hell out of there, right? But I can’t do that. I don’t care, you know? I lost billions of dollars, billions of dollars. You know, somebody said, ‘What do you think you lost?’ I said, ‘Probably two, three billion. That’s OK, I don’t care.’ They say, ‘You think you’d do it again?’ And that’s the least of it. Nobody. They always say, I don’t know if you know. Lincoln was horribly treated. Uh, Jefferson was pretty horribly. Andrew Jackson they say was the worst of all, that he was treated worse than any other president. I said, ‘Do that study again, because I think there’s nobody close to Trump.’ I even got shot! And who the hell knows where that came from, right?

It’s SO funny that Dotard’s Army of Lawyers continually argue that he can’t get a fair trial in NYC.

 WHY? Cuz they HATE him there, cuz they KNOW him. They’ve seen his LIES, fraud and bullshit for decades. He got under 15% of the vote, BUT, the Nebraska and Iowa farmers, etc, vote for him, cuz they swallow the bullshit from FOXNews. Nuff said. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand….

As I see the new poll results and see Harris is definitely ahead, and gaining ground, it is still WAY closer than it should be,

 And I think, WTF? How can nearly half of American voters support the LYING, morally bankrupt criminal conman? And there’s one basic answer. Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire who created the cash machine, FOX ‘news’, that sends out the bullshit that the sheep WANT and LOVE to hear, even though SO much of it is just bullshit. No other answer. Just like he reported that Dominion Voting Systems was fraudulent, although he KNEW it wasn’t, cuz it sold news to the gullible ignorant crowd. He got fined over $287 million, but that’s NOTHING to the billionaire, who continues his bullshit campaign, cuz he makes BILLIONS from his propaganda machine, that put Boss Hogg, the NYC conman into the White House. Fuck you, Rupert!

The more he speaks, the worse he gets….

  JD Vance takes 'Worst VP pick EVER!' crown from Sarah Palin, and gets less likable every day Vance is the guy nobody wants to get stuck next to at the office party. Or at the bar. Or in the grocery store line. Or anywhere, really.

Agreeing to be Dotard’s running mate means signing up for the Big Lie, but this is ridiculous…

  'They' tried to kill him? Guess who. Vance, while  introducing Trump at a rally  in North Carolina last week, cast his would-be boss in Trump's favorite role: as a victim. See if you can count up the lies and distortions with me. "He traded everything for an unjust persecution, for slander, for scorn, so that we could save the United States of America. Now they couldn't beat him at the ballot box, so they tried to bankrupt him. They failed at that, so they tried to impeach him. They failed at that. So they tried to put him in prison, and they even tried to kill him." Spoiler alert: If you hadn't guessed by now, "they" are the Democratic Party. I tallied five lies in all that, with "they" being the newest and most insidious deception: Trump and his team falsely portray any attempt to hold him  accountable in civil and criminal court  as "unjust." President Joe Biden  defeated Trump "at the ballot box"  in 2020, even

Anti-Trump Repubs recognize they have a yuuuge problem…

  In the minds of us anti-Trump Republicans, it's easy to think that Republicans can only take so much losing before they finally divert course back to something resembling conservatism. However, from what I’ve seen out of the Trump base over the past eight years, no amount of losing can betray their loyalties to him. Frankly, I don't know which path is a more direct route to ridding our party of Trumpism. A victory cements his vein of conservatism as the future of the Republican Party, whereas a loss means he will likely run for a fourth time in 2028. Ultimately, Republicans have to decide. However, what I do know is that conservatives who want Trump out of the party don't have to vote for Harris. We need to do the difficult work of building a conservative alternative to MAGA after this particular election. America is sadly stuck with Trump's influence on American politics. Those looking for a quick fix ignore the problems that got us here in the first place. It’s call

Interesting thoughts from a Repub who refuses to vote for Boss Hogg.

  Trump’s embarrassing loss in 2020 should have ended his political career. But he found a way to survive with   claims of a stolen election . His cultish base naturally believed the lies he told and tied the Republican Party to Trump for at least two more election cycles in the process, even after Republicans failed to get their red wave in the 2022 midterm elections. I have little reason to believe that Trump won’t do the same thing this time if he loses again. He has already laid the  groundwork .

This post, from FOX, is pretty hard to believe. There are 9% of veterans who support Captain Bonespurs, the draft dodging pig, who calls soldiers ‘suckers and losers’?

  There’s a Fox News graphic showing Vice President Kamala Harris with a significant lead over former President Donald Trump with certain demographics. The graphic shows 89% of veterans support Harris, compared to only 9% that support Trump. It gives similar breakdowns for female and wounded veterans and active military members. “The Fox News poll on Trump support among military veterans after his desecration of Arlington National Cemetery is surprisingly harsh on Trump,” reads the post's caption.