Damn, if I hadn’t spent all my money on Trump trading cards, and then his digital trading cards, and then pieces of his suit and his special edition t-shirts,

 and then his golden tennies and then a bunch on his coffee table books and a yuuuge amount on his autographed Bibles, I’d be able to afford his new commemorative coins, which have a genuine, Dotard endorsed, signed certificate of authenticity.

Of course I was already low on cash cuz I bought, yuugely, into Trump Truth Social around $70.

Oh well, no worse than when I invested in Trump airlines, Trump vodka and Trump University before I went BIG into Trump Casinos, cuz NO ONE could bankrupt casinos, right? They’re virtual money printing machines…

Yup, I can see why the MAGA morons(R) think a financial jeenius like Boss Hogg is so well equipped to run the US economy, as they buy his cards, clothes, coins, Bibles and BULLSHIT!

Wow, if I could only get a mailing list of those idiots I could retire, selling genuine, ocean front property, in Kansas. 

I’m sure the Lyin King would go in on it with me, if he could get a cut of the action, shearing the sheep, again….

Luckily, my 401K, invested I the record setting market, is doing GREAT, with the Dems in charge, no matter WHAT the lying clowns at FOX preach to the gullible ignorant sheep, who hopefully invested their $ in Trump businesses.


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