You MAGA morons amaze me.

 I regularly check in on FOX, NEWSMAX, etc, where propaganda is shoveled to you sheep.

As in the rightwingnuts bitch about David Muir and ABC for calling out Boss Hogg, but NOT Harris.

Duh, Dotard LIED 24 to 32 times, many of them WHOPPERS, and Harris misstated ONE fact about fracking.

And you morons can’t tell the difference, in getting called out on his YUUGE amount of LIES, which everyone has just gotten used to, cuz he lies THOUSANDS of times, and the sheep don’t give a f*ck.

JD Vance just admitted he’s LYING (creating stories) about immigrants eating pets, cuz he wants to change the news.

WTF is wrong with you morons(R)?

Oh yeah….FOXNews, where you never hear the truth…..


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