
Showing posts from October, 2024

Wow, how many millions of times has this happened? It’s the same, gullible ignorant crowd…

  I Lost My Family To A Terrifying Religious Group. Now It's Happening Again — With Trump. “I need somebody with arms strong enough to wrestle the deep state and yet gentle enough to deliver his own grandchild.” That creepy line comes from a video called “God Made Trump,” which Donald Trump has shared in the past and  did so again Wednesday . It’s essentially an ad that portrays the Republican presidential nominee as God’s gift to Earth. And millions of morons believe it, and they vote…. I could go on and on, but why. It’s all part of Boss Hogg’s plan, and it seems to be working. With the same crowd who thinks : The Jan 6 mob were/are patriots,  Trump WON the election,  A group of Conservative lawmakers should control all women’s reproductive choices. The earth was created in six days, a few thousand years before Noah piled two of ALL species of animals on a boat, he and his family built, and fed them for forty days while he floated around. Wow, and you wonder why Dotard wants THIS

Proving, AGAIN, that there is no bullshit too outrageous for the MAGA morons,

 Margerie Taylor Greene, she of the Jewish Space Laser fame, is telling the gullible, ignorant sheep that ‘Yes, they can control the weather, and they sent Hurricane Helene to destroy the South’. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says ‘They Can Control The Weather,’ Promoting Conspiracy About Hurricane Helene Right-wingers have long promoted wild theories about weather control, and Greene, a Donald Trump ally, gave them a big boost. To wear a MAGA cap, must you PROVE you have an IQ under 80?

The Pubs are screaming and bitching and whining, calling Walz a liar, cuz he misspoke, by a month, when he was in China, 40 years ago.

 BUT, these same jerks don’t give a shit when the Lyin King lies his ass off, MANY TIMES EVERY DAY! Like, ‘your beautiful child goes off to school in the morning and comes home with a sex change operation in the afternoon.’ What kind of moron would SAY that and what kind of moron would believe it? Republicans, that’s who. Google ‘Trump’s Worst (10, 50, 100, 500) Lies, and get a documented list of his worst whoppers. BUT, the Repub Hypocrites don’t give a shit about LIES from Boss Hogg. Everyone just expects it, and there is zero shock value any more, like when he says immigrants are eating pets, or you can’t cross the street without getting raped or shot or windmills cause cancer or you gotta show a picture ID to buy a loaf of bread, etc. Total Hypocrites(R)….

What the hell is wrong with these morons(R)?

 Over sixty courts, MOST of them run by Repub appointed judges, say Trump LOST the election and ZERO say he won. BUT the jerks keep swallowing Dotard’s LIES, including his pick for VP. BTW, it’s a new VP pick, cuz the last one won’t support Boss Hogg, after the Lyin King tried to have him killed. JD Vance Claims Trump Won 2020 Election, Won't Say He'll Concede A Loss Vance has repeatedly accused the media of being "obsessed" about an election Trump regularly brings up. Now, Mar a Lardo has the stage set to foment a violent uprising when he loses AGAIN, manned the morons who get their ‘news’ from Rupert’s cash machine/Repub Propaganda Network.

Good letter to editor…

  To the Editor: Regarding Donald Trump calling Kamala Harris “mentally disabled” and “mentally impaired”: By nearly unanimous opinion Vice President Harris won the presidential debate against Mr. Trump. What does that say about Mr. Trump’s mental acuity?

What world does Dotard inhabit? Certainly not the real one, where the US leads the world in taming inflation. The world where inflation was rampant when Trump left office, but has been brought down to less than 3% under Biden/Harris and the Dems.

 That doesn’t stop the asshole from shoveling the shit to the sheep, who lap it up. Trump blames port workers strike on 'massive inflation' caused by 'Harris-Biden regime'

Rudy’s daughter has seen her father lose touch with reality, as he sunk into Boss Hogg’s world. Now, she wants him back, and after seeing Trump, up close and personal, is backing Harris for prez.

  “After months of feeling the type of sorrow that comes from the death of a loved one, it dawned on me that I’ve been grieving the loss of my dad to Trump,” Caroline Giuliani continued. “I cannot bear to lose our country to him too.”