Stephen King had a few words of warning about Boss Hogg, the oldest person to ever run for president.

 "Trump is past his sell-by date. Don't vote for an old man who won't release his medical records," he wrote.

Just like he promised to release his tax records, and never has, Trump promised to release his medical records, but, instead, made up a false report from his doctor.

Trump has previously declined to release his medical records during past campaigns. Dr. Harold Bornstein, Trump's personal physician, wrote a letter that said Trump would be the "healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."

Bornstein told CNN in 2018 that the doctor's note he penned had been dictated to him by Trump, who made it up on the spot.

"He dictated that whole letter. I didn't write that letter," Bornstein said. "He just made it up as he went along.“

Wow, is ANYONE surprised?

Of course not. We all know he’s a morally bankrupt Pathological Liar. 

Nothing he says or does at this point would surprise us, cuz he’s already lied SO MUCH.

What does that say about him and the morons who support him?

Nothing new….


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