Dems are hoping the new movie ‘The Apprentice’, which shows Dotard as the sleazy conman that he is, will hurt him among his voters. HA!

 They know what a total jackass he is, and don’t give a shit.

Both sides thought his comments about ‘grabbing em b6 the pussy’, and stealing Top Secret documents and Inciting an Insurrection would SURELY hurt him with his base. HA! They don’t care.

Indictments, felonies, rape convictions, consorting with his dictator heroes. No problem…

Knowing that he’s a morally bankrupt, LYING conman who sells trading cards, pieces of clothing, Bibles made in China, and anything he can think of for more $$$ only makes the Hypocrites love him more, cuz he’s the bad boy they dream of being, but are too scared to be.

Like he says, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

What does all this tell you about him and his people?



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