The Pubs are screaming and bitching and whining, calling Walz a liar, cuz he misspoke, by a month, when he was in China, 40 years ago.

 BUT, these same jerks don’t give a shit when the Lyin King lies his ass off, MANY TIMES EVERY DAY! Like, ‘your beautiful child goes off to school in the morning and comes home with a sex change operation in the afternoon.’

What kind of moron would SAY that and what kind of moron would believe it?

Republicans, that’s who.

Google ‘Trump’s Worst (10, 50, 100, 500) Lies, and get a documented list of his worst whoppers.

BUT, the Repub Hypocrites don’t give a shit about LIES from Boss Hogg. Everyone just expects it, and there is zero shock value any more, like when he says immigrants are eating pets, or you can’t cross the street without getting raped or shot or windmills cause cancer or you gotta show a picture ID to buy a loaf of bread, etc.

Total Hypocrites(R)….


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