What kind of idiot can listen to this braying jackass, as he rambles on about windmills? Oh yeah, the gullible ignorant FOXSheep.

 Trump complained that wind power means people can’t watch television on days with no breeze. 

“‘Darling, I want to watch our president tonight on television,’” he said. “And the husband looks, ‘I’m sorry, dear, the windmills aren’t wind. There’s no wind tonight, you can’t watch darling, we’re not gonna be watching tonight.’”

Then he goes on to say how smart he is, and how handsome he is and what a great body he has, before going into a sales pitch for his latest trinkets, like trading cards, pieces of his clothes, coins, Bibles, watches, and now cryptocurrency, as his Army of Lawyers juggles court dates for his multiple crimes, like Inciting an Insurrection and stealing Top Secret documents.

Yup, VERY presidential, IF you’re a gullible ignorant sheep, who gets your ‘news’ from a Republican Propaganda Outlet.


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