Believe it or not,

I read two articles about W in the paper this morning that I actually agree with. As you may know if you have read my rants before, I am not George's biggest fan. However, in an effort to change the subject, or maybe just the law of averages catching up with him, he spoke on two subjects I agree with. The first was the over-compensation of CEO's. I don't know if there's anything HE can do about it, but it's a good point. The second was his problem with gov't subsidies to "farmers" who are milking the system. Over 80,000 people, with an income over $200,000 get gov't checks. They get paid for NOT growing something, or get subsidies for growing things we already have too much of. The lobbyists are gonna scream, but it's time to let the free enterprise system control the marketplace. Not that I'm becoming a fan, but in the interest of being "fair and balanced" (what a joke when used by Fox News) I will say I do agree with him on something. We'll see if he can actually DO anything about these issues before I give him any real credit. Would hope so, but I doubt it....


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