Going, going, gone.

And I had a hard time sleeping, 'cause I kept thinking, "This time she's really not coming back." Helped Ted and Kari move into their new house in Golden yesterday. Because of leases and jobs, it made sense for them. even though they're not married yet. Thay have spent nearly ALL their time together for the last several years anyway, but this was kind of "final" to me. Going off to school, or off to Italy, I always knew she'd be back and I had that to look forward to. Kari's fun to have around. Don't get me wrong, we'd bang heads every once in awhile, which is pretty normal, I'd guess, but not often. I'm sure we'll still see her/them on a regular basis ( I hope), but this is different. Even though I couldn't think of a better guy than Ted for her to be with, and she has Bella to protect her, it's gonna take a while to get used to. It's a daddy-daughter kind of thing. Love ya, honey....


Anonymous said…
I'm not going to lie to you, it's hard to go, but between you grilling elk and mom's cooking, you won't be able to keep us away for long, and how can we deprive our cat of Disneyland???
I'll be back (and often).
Fam Guy said…
I sure hope so. You know you're always welcome....

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