Being the nice guy I am,

I let Carol talk me into going to the movie, "The Queen". I knew the basic plot, which was how the queen was aloof and seemingly uncaring after Princess Diana was killed in the car wreck, and I wasn't really interested in seeing a movie about it. However, being the nice guy I am, we went to the movie of her choice. And I am very glad we did. This was a movie that grabbed my interest , from the beginning and held it throughout the entire story. The acting was fantastic and the way they interspersed actual footage with the movie characters was flawless. Don't know how true it was, although it seemed very realistic. Would recommend it to anyone even remotely interested in that genre. That brings me to another "chick story". Am reading "Atlas Shrugged", and although it took awhile to become involved, after 400 pages, I am. Written by a woman, and recommended by women, I can see the relevance of this story.Won't even try to get into the plot, but am realizing the love story between Hank Reardon and Dagny Taggert, is the ideal romantic fantasy for a woman. She is beautiful and intelligent and he takes her the way a strong, successful man should. With honesty and a no-nonsense feeling of lust. I think the story could have been told in a few hundred less pages, and it is too soon to make a judgement on it, but am going to continue. That says something...


Anonymous said…
I am glad you are still reading Atlas Shrugged. Hang in there, it is worth it. Not all about love. I am reading again after 31 years, it is interesting to go back in time when railroads and steel companies were so powerful.
Remember, you have to find out the answer to "Who is John Galt"?
Fam Guy said…
Am just now reading about the wedding party of Jim Taggert, when ALL the characters get together. Ayn Rand is an amazing writer, and am really enjoying it. Thanks for the recommendation.

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