In case you didn't already know it,

The long-awaited report by the Pentagon’s acting inspector general, Thomas F. Gimble, was sent to Congress on Thursday. It criticized the Defense Dept, headed by Donald Rumsfeld, because the group “developed, produced and then disseminated alternative intelligence assessments on the Iraq and Al Qaeda relationship, which included conclusions that were inconsistent with the consensus of the Intelligence Community, to senior decision-makers.” In other words, they made it up. This should be a surprise to no one who has paid attention to this fiasco from the start. The decision was made to go to war, then the "intelligence", was fabricated to support it. Hopefully, the liars responsible for this terrible mistake will be 'outed' and forced to pay. But it's gonna take awhile. These are rich, powerful men, hiding behind a corrupt administration. But, this is still America, just not the same America we used to be so proud of. As G dub said in Washington, on 4-28-2005, "It's in our country's interests to find those who would do us harm and get them out of harm's way." You mean, protect your buddies and contributor's, or are you just totally confused, like you usually are?


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