Will try again,

to get this new Google format to work. In thinking back to my days with Feyline, I can't help but think of my first concert. Double bill with WAR, and EL CHICANO. Unlike these days, when you see 100 guys in yellow T-shirts doing security for a show, we did it with around 7-8 guys. And crowds were a lot rowdier then. Anyway, showed up for my first night and saw, as I white guy, I was in a definite minority. My supervisor, a big biker type dude, gave me a pill and said, "Do this, it'll help". Within a half hour, found out it was acid. Won't go into boring details, but it was a memorable evening. Found out later, it was kind of an initiation thing, and I passed. Jan, the biker dude, said something like, "Just checking, to see if you could handle it. You'll do." "Twas interesting, but never did THAT again....


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