Thanks Ted

It is soooo nice to have my own IT guy around. Now that I think about it, maybe it would have been better, over the years, to have been forced into learning more about the inner workings of my computer, but noooo, I would have just had to make more trips to the local 'Geeks R Us" stores, I'm sure. Most of the time, my computer just hums along and life is great. BUT, when it has a problem I have problems. I don't realize how dependent I am on that technology that I take for granted, until it's not there. Just like a lot of things. Cinderella says it best in their song, "Don't Know What You Got 'Til It's Gone", although they were prob'ly talkin' flesh and blood stuff. Like my latest techie thing, a wireless router, I thought I could just order it on E-bay, pay, wait for delivery, hook it up and start surfing. I did all the former and NONE of the latter, until Ted bailed me out. Let me say right now, Nate is also a computer hotshot, ( it may have something to do with that Mines background) but he's never around (here). Ted is, and he has a great attitude toward helping me out. He was able to hook up my router, which came w/absolutely NO directions after playing around for awhile (I think it had something to do with the Mac #) . Then got me up and running again after I left my laptop on battery power, (easy to do when you're wireless) and it totally died. I can't imagine trying having to pay for tech support every time I have had a problem. Like I said, maybe it would have FORCED me to learn, or maybe I would have just given up ( I doubt it) but whatever, thanks again Ted, for being there to bail me out once again.


Anonymous said…
Yes, thank you very much Ted. I don't want to have to bankrupt my dad with how much I charge for techie house calls.

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