Thoughts for a cold day

This is my little girl. She got the day off for jury duty, then didn't have to go in. Like a little kid on a 'snow day' Someone else is herding the ankle biters today, and she's doing wedding planning. Last weekend it was house hunting. I think she's really gonna do it. Move out, that is. Gonna be a sad day around here. Not that she won't be back to visit, and not that Ted isn't the best guy in the world for her, but it's just, so, FINAL. As Paul would say, "She's Leaving Home", bye bye. I'm sure all daddy-daughter relationships are special, but Kari's medical problems have made her even more so, if that's possible. Gotta look at the positive side, and all that stuff, but it's still gonna be REAL QUIET 'round here...


Anonymous said…
Careful, or I just might "threaten" to never leave. I mean with all the money Ted and I are spending on a house and on the wedding, where are we going to get the money for food. Shall we set a standard date for around 7:00 everynight for dinner? you cook, or even better, mom!
Anonymous said…
The site looks good. Very navigable. Nice to hear you pondering on the joys of family.

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