I love Google,

cause it helps you understand what's just under the surface. Clear Channel, one of the largest communication/information companies in the world, (largest number of radio stations in US with 675) was just bought out by Bain Capital Partners, LLC......Google BCP, and you find out it's a front for The Carlyle Group. Google "Carlyle Group", I dare you, and find out who's gonna control the news. Disregard the 'official site', and read ANY of the others, (I recommend "Meet the Carlyle Group") that tells what they are really about. I don't know about you, but it scares the hell out of me to realize this group is joining FOX news to totally distort the truth. The Bushies aren't stupid, except for W, and they know information, (or in their case, disinformation) is power. Hate to be so conspiratorial, but this is SCARY....


Anonymous said…
Why would that be scary?????

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