OK, did an official taste test,

with one of my favorite wines, "Luna de Luna". These Italian wine blends are the best value out there, in my humble opinion. As you may or may not know, they have distinctive painted bottles, with different colors, for different blends. I won't get into the 'white wine' blends, although they are good, but, for me, the reds are far superior. After consulting my 'resident expert' daughter, who has spent WAY too much time in Italy the last few years, we narrowed it down to the red, (her favorite), orange, (mi fav), and purple, (Ted's fav) bottle colors. I religiously tried them all, with different foods and situations over the last few weeks. AND, "winner winner, chicken dinner", the winner is....... Luna de Luna .... RED bottle. The cabernet/merlot mix. Yum, yum. Mellow Italian red, with a hint of blackberry and plum. TOO GOOD.. Anyway, am willing to do more taste tests if someone wants to challenge me. Am here for you.....


Anonymous said…
Challenge you to drinking contest...are you NUTS!
Anonymous said…
If I am considered a resident expert, than it was time and money well spent!

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