Am dragging today,

because I was flipping thru the channels last night and came across the Rockies game, tied at 0-0, in the eighth, and decided to watch the end. The Rocks scored one in the top of the 14th and the Padres tied it up in the 2nd half of the inning. Both teams stranded a bunch of runners at 2nd and 3rd, but no one could score. That is, until the 22nd inning, when 2 errors allowed the good guys to put their 2nd run on the board and they won, 2-1. Longest game in Rockies history, and longest in 15 years in the majors. Did rest my eyes quite a bit, but stayed with 'em 'til the end, at nearly 2:30. What an idiot....


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
lady c says ditto!

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