Joe Wilson, the new Repub hero,

NOT to be confused with Joe Wilson (of Valerie Plame fame, the GHW Bush appointed expert on nuclear power in the middle east, who said there was NO WAY Saddam had nuclear weapons), with a juvenile display of temper and poor judgement, took the dignity of the Repub party to a new low, which is VERY difficult to do. The same people who pledged to "take down Obama, with the defeat of health care reform', are in lockstep with the big businesses that give us the most expensive, though nowhere near the best, healthcare, in the world. Caring nothing for the small businesses who can't afford raises or new hiring, because they pay so much in health care premiums, and ignoring the fact that overpriced health care is bankrupting the go'vt faster than W's 'oops, bad info' war, are supported by 'tea baggers', most of whom are on Medicare, and can't see the irony of shouting, "Keep government OUT of health care". It would be funny if it weren't so sad. But, you gotta admit, they were sure smart to keep their kids out of school so Obama wouldn't indoctrinate them into being Socialists. More leadership from the Red States, home of the Repub Party and the lowest education/income in the country. Could it be more obvious???


ladyj said…
the man who was told to apologize by his Repub cohorts and then took it back!! What a stinker.......

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