The new Time magazine,
features Glenn Beck, the pudgy, buzz-cut, weepy, recovering alcoholic, Mormon convert with ADHD who is one of the front men for FOX. He has noticed there is a 'bit of discontent' in the country, and rubbing the sore, has become a lucrative business. He has a multi-million dollar staff that unearths every problem that comes down the pike, and he chooses the most egregious to rant about. Called by Steven King, "Satan's mentally challenged younger brother", he has found an audience, (if you believe the figures, it is still WELL UNDER 5% of the population), that is very upset and very loud. Of course things are bad. Bush screwed up the economy in ways we have never seen before. Is this guy the answer or part of the problem? You gotta be kidding. I just know that rabble-rousing has never paid so well, SO, I don't think it's gonna change, any time soon...