Heard part of Sarah Palin's

interview with Oprah, and again, realized she's not a terrible person, but is definitely NOT qualified to be a heartbeat away from the job of prez of the U.S. Also, there's no doubt, that if she weren't so good looking, she would still be the 'somewhat unknown' gov of Alaska. She did probably upset her handlers and the Repub Party bigwigs when she answered a question quite honestly. Oprah asked if she was the reason the Repubs lost in '08. "No", she said, "the economy had just tanked under a Repub administration, and the American people were ready for a change." At least she admits this obvious fact. AND, the economy is STILL in the tank, because of W and his crew. On FOXNews.com, right now, they quote the question from Oprah, BUT, leave out the first sentence of her answer, and say 'the American people were ready for a change'. Typical Fox bullshit/lies. Also, the FOX idiots keep saying, "This is Obama's economy now. He has 'full ownership' of it", and the sheep believe it. The world truly is full of stupid people, and because of FOX, at least they have a place to gather...


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