The Repubs are screaming,

because health care is moving forward. 'It's gonna bankrupt us!'. For them, hundreds of billions for 'oops, bad info' war, is OK. Hundreds of billions to bankers, after the Repubs crashed the entire financial system is OK. BUT, much needed health care reform, that would bring us closer to what the rest of the world takes for granted, takes a back seat to their main objective, which is to take down the Obama administration. We ALL know, they wouldn't support ANY program that would let the Dems move forward on ANYTHING that would help the Dems in the coming elections. Way too much $ involved, that could go into Repub pockets. Whatever it takes to get voted in next time. They just hope the people don't remember who crashed the system. AND, if you watch and believe FOXNews, it is ALL the Dems' fault. Obama should be able fix their mess, soon, and if not, it's HIS fault. They just hope the majority is as stupid as they are. Sorry. A lot of us actually remember who is responsible for the mess we are in. Thanks, W, and your Repub cohorts.....


ladyj said…
Tis a sad part of the human system, but true, we forget easily. We've forgotten Bush brazenly took us into war and put us into debt and now the Republican party is blaming the Democrats for the gigantic deficit which they, themselves did. It's like the Family Circus cartoon and the ghostly, "who done it."

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