Dateline, on TV right now,

is SO right on, about the 'sheep' complex in people. How the weak, among us, just follow, what they think is a higher, smarter, governmental authority, even though there is NO evidence of it. Great show, so far. Explains a lot, as we are taught to follow, without questioning, as children. Some people never grow out of it. Hence, FOXNews followers. Amazing... (Later) Watched how volunteers administered (fake) shocks to people, cuz an authority figure said it was OK, til the people (supposedly) died. Just like 'shock and awe', where Bush/Cheney, and the church, said these people, (incl innocent women and children) deserve to die, cuz they're different, and they got fried. And a BUNCH of you people had NO problem, just cuz they were caught under Saddam, who the US put into power. Unbelievable, but true. A certain segment of 'sheep' out there, just shut down their brains, and have no problem w/it. Amazing, but true....


Shanel said…
tried to find it on the east coast and didn't see it on any channel... sounds like a good show.
ladyj said…
Where I could go on this particular subject, especially where religion is concerned; the division of Church and State being SO important; the fact that we as Beings, given free will by our Creator, follow, like Lemmings, over the cliff,never once thinking that maybe this is the wrong direction. Once in awhile God is wrong! He told us so when He came as the Christ because the old laws were not working. He baited Cain into murdering Abel. He wrote "Thou shalt not Kill" and then sent the Israelites to obliterate every nation that got in it's way until it obtained all the land God intended Israel to have. Was that God or man?
You have men who feel they are omnipotent; who have the ear of God writing their own gospel, beginning their own religion, advancing their own agendas of right and wrong and there are the sheep that follow. Same is true in Politics. Sad to say, people do not always keep an open mind or heart.
Steve said…
Let's get some facts straight here. First, the U.S. did not put Saddam in power. Granted, we inadvisedly supported him during the Iraq-Iran war, but he became "President" of Iraq in 1979 all on his own, so to speak.

The experiment you are talking about, which is something every psychology student learns about, no one died. It was a study about authority and quite interesting...but limited in it's correlation to real life. Unless you're talking about something different, which is hard to determine here. And relating this to the Iraq war seems illogical or at least a jump.

So it's just FoxNews viewers who are sheep? Or conservatives, etc? I don't think so.

Do you think or view of anything outside of your hatred for Bush?
ladyj said…
"So to speak", Steve? What the devil does that actually mean? We either assisted in putting Saddam into power or we didn't. There's no other way of stating it. The United States supplied arms to Iraq. We supported Iraq and it's regime! Saddam and his army had the equipment that the United States of America had provided Iraq to fight Iran and he and his army overthrew the govt. of Iraq and took control and Saddam became President by force. That's the short of it. You want to provide the long of it, be my guest. The U.S. does some really stupid things most of the time. There are peoples and countries you just can't trust. The Middle East is most untrustworthy.
Along with Bush, I think you're on Family Guy's list of dislikes.
Fam Guy said…
You just lost some cred, here, Steve. I said 'fake' shocks, and people 'supposedly' died, BUT, that pales in comparison to your 'wrongness' is saying we didn't put Saddam into power. It was a reaction to the Ayatollah Khomeins, and he was DEFINITELY put into power by the US, with our money, weapons and influence. Before I call you all kinds of names, go ahead and look it up, somewhere besides FOX, then I'll let you apologize for your ignorance. It's not even debatable. As far as "sheep" go, I think you just proved my point, beyond a doubt. You swallow the party line and facts become irrelevant. And yes, I do hate Bush with a passion, as John Houseman would say, 'Because he EARNED it'. NO ONE, in the history of our country has hurt us like that SOB, and if you can't handle the truth, tough shit.
Fam Guy said…
I spelled Khomeini wrong, but I got the idea right.

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