Don't know if you saw it,

but there was an article on FOXNews,,

complete with at least one picture, of the new Noah's arc discovery on Mt Arrarat. OR, as I would rather call it, a gullibility test. I'm sure the 'news' is still out there and some people believe it. Some people will believe anything. AND, there are those who take advantage of them....


Mule Skinner said…
OK, so a supposed large structure was found at elevation. Does that conclusively prove or disprove worldwide floods or maybe suggest that living animal species can be traced back to origins near Mount A? Does it upset the tilt of the planet? I suspect it only causes zealots on both sides of the "historical fact" issues to just spread more propaganda.

In the end, if Fox says so, it must be true!
Anonymous said…
Isn't it hard for the literalists to use carbon dating to prove their find is 4800 years old when they've previously discounted carbon dating, mainly saying that the earth is just a little over 2000 years old?
Fam Guy said…
Every few years the 'arc' is supposedly discovered, and the faithful jump on it and say, 'See, I told you so', then when it's proved false, they ignore the news. There is NO WAY that myth could ever be substantiated, but, like I said, the gullible will keep looking for proof, to support their mythology. IF there were ever a worldwide flood, there would be archeological signs of it. There are NONE! It just shows how some people can suspend their brains to support what they WANT to be true.
ladyj said…
I would guess the melting of the end of the ice age would cause major flooding at various places; worldwide, doubtful. Noah's Ark, legend, I believe. If there was flooding, would have been in that region and would have been just the animals of that region on the Ark. One has to remember the size of the "world" would be the area of which one lived. The Jewish religion had many teaching aids and stories and many, I believe not based on fact, such as Jonah.

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