Am forcing myself,

to watch the end of 'The Hurt Locker', cuz it must have some redeeming value, to have been rated so highly, and ALSO, to try and understand the nightmare that the troops who found themselves in W's 'oops, bad info' war, endured, while his 'big oil' buddies, family and friends in the military-industrial complex got obscenely wealthy during his trillion dollar war that bankrupted our country. This isn't conjecture or theory, it is history, that partly explains how our country's economy was trashed by the Bush/Cheney 'war for profit' machine. And the Repubs wanna be re-elected?Unbelievable, that people could have such short/misguided memories, and blame the current administration cuz they can't wave a magic wand and 'fix' the widespread damage done from 2000-2008.


ladyj said…
was listening to a Conservative/Republican/Chr-istian (seems they go hand in hand, doesn't it) as he assailed the Democrats; this administration; the end of the draft; and the fact that the United States is going to Hell in a hand basket (my words)we've taken prayer out of schools, allowed gays to marry, forced Healthcare down the throats of the American people, although he states that 70% of America is against "Obamacare". He denounces Obama as a Muslim. The Democrats are the bane of government because of their Liberal views. Conservatives MUST vote in November and take back government in Washington, he stated, in order for America to survive. "We have turned our back on the Jews and God has cursed our country," so says Pastor John Hagee, a Texas preacher and author of a doomsday book. Our goose is cooked! Dear Brother Jimmy Swaggart,believes we are absolutely in the final days prior to the Tribulation and Rapture of the Church.

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