Fair & Balanced?

You mean fairly unbalanced...
(CNN) - The Democratic National Committee called into question (there was a question?) Fox News' objectivity Tuesday after it was reported that the cable network's parent company – News Corporation – recently donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association.
"'Fair and Balanced' has been rendered utterly meaningless," Hari Sevugan, the DNC's national press secretary, said in a statement. "Any pretense that may have existed about the ties between Fox News and the Republican Party has been ripped violently away.
No Fox News political coverage can be seen as impartial and all of it should have a disclaimer for what it truly is – partisan propaganda." (Like the picture? It illustrates 'fox lying') Ha ha


Anonymous said…
Thought you weren't going to watch FOX anymore because it just upsets you.
FamGuy said…
This was on CNN. Such a peice would NEVER be shown on FOX. It clearly shows what 'bullshit' their 'fair and balanced' slogan truly is. Won't affect the sheep, though. They don't care....
ladyj said…
I just knew you'd hear from the two cents worth!
Fam Guy said…
Partisan propaganda, would be the new slogan for Fox news, if there were any truth in advertising, but there's not.
ladyj said…
Sometimes I'll be channel surfing and see Colmes on Fox with a bevy of talking heads giving their "take" on a subject. God love this guy...he really stands his ground and never gives an inch or loses his cool while those around him are doin' the "Mel", huffin' and puffin' trying to make their slanderous point.
Fam Guy said…
I actually gave up, on watching Fox. Just pisses me off, and makes me give up, on that part of the viewing public. They don't have a clue...
ladyj said…
In a pig's eye...you gave up!

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