The Repubs know

that their chances of winning in Nov are better if the economy, which they wrecked, is still bad, and have been doing everything possible to keep it from improving. In spite of them, it is slowly climbing back to where it was before W's disastrous reign, SO, their propaganda machine, FOXNews, has a new plan. According to these clowns, 'there is no evidence and no proof, BUT, it is possible that the administration is cooking the books to make things seem better than they are'.  That is the new spin that FOX is putting out there, saying that the Labor Dept, who does the stats, is run by a Democrat, 'and you know what that means'. NO shit, that's the kinda stuff FOX is famous for. If you don't have any facts, just make up crap and muddy the water. Same ol' shit from the same people.


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