I enjoy most all

of Jon Stewart's Daily Shows, but last night was another esp good one, as he ridiculed FOX, just by showing clips of their 'outrage', and their latest Obama's Watergate claims. As he said, 'When Fox cries Wolf, too often, it loses a bit of it credibility'. Oh Really? He showed clips of them claiming 'it's Obama's Watergate', four times in the last couple of years. He also showed how they praised W for bypassing congress and his executive actions, BUT, when Obama did it, it was OUTRAGEOUS. He then showed 'activist judges', and the comments from the hacks at FOXNews who looked at the same actions and came up with totally different opinions, and finished it up with clips from Rush's show, where the overmedicated fat boy railed about Obama's 'dictatorial wet dreams'. And people take these clowns seriously????


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