Obama's executive privelege excuse sucks,

until you compare it to GWBush, who had used it SIX times, by this part of his presidency. Any why did W need it? Cuz he was busy trying to start a war, based on lies that Saddam had WMD, but Joe Wilson, GHWBush appointed expert in that area said it was impossible, and he had the proof. The Bush boys said shut up, or we'll OUT your wife, Valerie Plame, as being CIA. Joe didn't shut up, W claimed exec privelege, the Bushies outed her, and they got their war. Sure, the Obama/Holder thing sucks, but compared to Bush/Cheney and their HUGE war, based on lies, it doesn't seem quite so bad. Another example of Repubs, and their 'selective outrage'.


Anonymous said…
It was twice by this time of Bush's presidency. The other four were in 2007, his second term.

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