Thanks to the Repub controlled Supreme Court

we have Sheldon Adelson and others like him, who are using their considerable fortunes to legally influence the election. ( Pubished: June 23, 2012)    No American is dedicating as much of his money to defeat President Obama as Sheldon Adelson, the casino magnate who also happens to have made more money in the last three years than any other American. He is the perfect illustration of the squalid state of political money, spending sums greater than any political donation in history to advance his personal, ideological and financial agenda, which is wildly at odds with the nation’s needs. Throw in Carl Roves' shadowy group, and the Koch Bros and you have billions of dollars against Obama and the Dems, to advance the agenda of the 1%. Not exactly what the founding fathers had in mind with, 'one man, one vote'.


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