My new Ipad has an app,

which allows me to watch HBO movies, and I hadn't seen 'Recount', the story of the 2000 election, where Bush stole it all from Gore, in FL. Some pertinent facts: Gore won the popular vote by over 500,000 votes. The decisions that made the difference were made by Katherine Harris, a Repub lackey in FL, then went to the FL gov, who is W's brother, and the final judgement went to the Supreme Court, with a majority filled by W's father. Gore never had a chance. Harris threw out tens of thousands of votes, cuz their names were 'close' to being felons. She threw several more thousand, cuz the voting machines were defective, and left 'hanging chads', which were obvious Gore votes, and, after MANY bogus decisions, the Supremes threw out the recounts, cuz they weren't 'in time' after a bogus time table. After over a hundred thousand 'shifts' in votes, W won by 154 votes, in a state where his bro was guv, the Sec of State was a former head of the Repub Party, and his dad appointed the winning votes on the Sup Ct. Because of this obvious Repub bullshit, we got W, who started wars based on lies, and wrecked the economy of the free world. Unbeleivable, but true. Watch 'Recount', if you really want to feel sick.


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