Although it's definitely wrong/bad,

that the IRS targeted the Tea Party-type groups for investigation, it's TOTALLY different from what Nixon did with his 'enemies list', where he had individuals 'audited' and persecuted. This time, the IRS looked at the 'tax exempt status', of groups like Crossroad GPS,, and other rightwing groups, whose only function was to elect Repubs, cuz they claimed they were a 'social welfare' group, which is total bullshit, BUT, would allow them special tax priveleges. Politics is an ugly game, with HUGE dollar amounts, and the 'patriotic' Tea Partiers' existed for one reason only, and that was/is, to take down Obama. It's fine to fight back, but this isn't the right way, and is comparable to the 'Citizen's United' ruling by the Repub Surpeme Court that allows corporations to buy elections, legally. Unlike the Benghazi bullshit, where no one can actually explain the 'terrible thing' Obama did, but FOX assures the sheep it was 'impeachable', the IRS thing is gonna be around for a LONG time. Too soon to say if the AP phone record snooping was warranted, but I don't like the gov't being so 'Big Brother'. At least he didn't 'shock and awe' a bunch of inncocent civilians and start a 10+year, multi-trillion dollar war, based on easily provable lies, which the Pubs have 'no problem' with. Bottom line, it just proves there are sleazeballs on both sides of the aisle, which is nothing new.


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