Is so funny(?)

to read about the new record highs on Wall St, housing doing much better and a gradual (though still too slow) rise in employment in 'real' financial news, and THEN see it covered by the clowns at FOX. According to them, the 2008 recesssion just dropped out of the sky, and Obama should be crucified for not having it 'all fixed' by now, AND, the economy is really bad and only gonna get worse. Bottom line, if things continue to improve, the Pubs don't have a chance in 2016, SO, they do everything possible to downplay, and thwart ANYTHING that's gonna help. The other HUGE news on FOX? At least five articles on Benghazi, where 4 Americans were killed several months ago, and they're still on it like a ravenous dog on a bone. Thousands killed, trillions spent on W's 'Oops, no WMD's war'? No Problem. 4 killed in Benghazi? Oh My God! We gotta hang somebody, preferably Obama. Fair and Balanced? My ass....


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