Most people,

(unless you are a rightwing nut, like him) realize Ted Nugent is really 'out there', but he feels a need to continually prove it. Yesterday, he claimed that the high rate of suicide in veterans is because they realize that Obama is 'violating the constitution'. Oh really, Ted? Studies actually show it is because of war related PTSD, after being shipped to an unwinnable war, in a HOT country where they are despised, seeing friends and locals killed and wounded, then returning home and being unable to find a job, cuz the same guy that started the war (based on lies), also wrecked the economy. Oh, and the number one reason for suicides was the aforementioned, plus a broken relationship. BUT, Crazy Ted, who can always get an audience at FOX (news?), claims the main reason is Obama 'violating the constitution'. Typical FOX propaganda, that passes for information, on the 'Fair and Balanced' network.


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